Wild Camp A Month 2018 Challenge

Have I missed Dane or Allen Wints' posting up last month?
Wasn't Allen and Wints' heading to Spain or somewhere so may not be able to post up?
Well we eventually managed to get away, got back from work Thursday night and a couple hours later we were gone.

Nearest to wild was Thursday night stop on Tebay Services though and got hookup each night since. Have never been able to charge batteries and wasn’t sure of the state they were or how most stuff worked so played safe and got power. If we get the snow they were forecasting when we came away it could be wild camp tomorrow night though haha
Have I missed Dane or Allen Wints' posting up last month?
Wasn't Allen and Wints' heading to Spain or somewhere so may not be able to post up?

Didn't Eileen and Allan have a joint post at the beginning of the month ?

4/4 Wild camp for the night nice spot on Anglesey was going home today but M62 closed and 4/5 inches of snow at home had to cancel MOT as it was booked for tomorrow and wait the weather out.
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4/4 Wild camp for the night nice spot on Anglesey was going home today but M62 closed and 4/5 inches of snow at home had to cancel MOT as it was booked for tomorrow and wait the weather out.

Don't you love a spring bank holiday. Enjoy the extra day hope you manage to get home soon and good luck with the MOT
Don't you love a spring bank holiday. Enjoy the extra day hope you manage to get home soon and good luck with the MOT

I left home on the 16th of Feb with a 3 day break in the middle so it's been a long bank holiday lol
Oh bugger,
That's why I always try and get mine in earlier on in the month just in case of last minute problems like this.
Please keep posting up your trips on here there is no shame in 11/12 when most people have had the winter off

Love winter camping :) We have been out this month, but as we were in the New Forest with all their pesky rules we were were on a campsite. Worth it though, good snow :)

Love winter camping :) We have been out this month, but as we were in the New Forest with all their pesky rules we were were on a campsite. Worth it though, good snow :)

image.jpg Great snow in a the forest this year
Love winter camping :) We have been out this month, but as we were in the New Forest with all their pesky rules we were were on a campsite. Worth it though, good snow :)

OK and well done for getting out, lets open this one out.

Dear all aiming for the 12/12.

Do we draw a blind eye on Dane using a campsite last month as wild camping wasn't possible and give him 3/3?

I vote yes Dane 3/3 (but don't do it again)
Well we eventually managed to get away, got back from work Thursday night and a couple hours later we were gone.

Nearest to wild was Thursday night stop on Tebay Services though and got hookup each night since. Have never been able to charge batteries and wasn’t sure of the state they were or how most stuff worked so played safe and got power. If we get the snow they were forecasting when we came away it could be wild camp tomorrow night though haha

Nice one Nabsim
Is that 1/3 for you this year?
Early March update from above this post

Alnwickist - 3/3
Herman - 3/3
Dane - 3/3 --- The rest of you please see the post above about Dane's March camp out and let me know your thoughts
Campervanannie - 4/4
Allen - Wints - 3/3
Eileen - Wints - 3/3
Suneye - 3/3
JohnClimber - 3/3
Brucews - 3/3
Reiverlad - 3/3
Jillyjumbo - 3/3
4/4 for me (3/4 Mrs Climber)

South West of Caernarfon golf course on the North West Wales coast looking over to Anglesey




It was so nice to get to a pitch in day light for a change.
It rained all night but we were warm and dry so no problems.
OK and well done for getting out, lets open this one out.

Dear all aiming for the 12/12.

Do we draw a blind eye on Dane using a campsite last month as wild camping wasn't possible and give him 3/3?

I vote yes Dane 3/3 (but don't do it again)

Rules are there to be broken or bent, because of a breakdown Dane missed out on 3/3 so to redeem, this count his New Forest night as his 3/3 and then the next night out this month counts as his 4/4 but must be two separate trips not consecutive nights.
John, we agree with others to give Dane a pass this time, it's not like we are doing it for a prize or anything, it's just to encourage us to get out and about,
BTW, I see Archie is ready with his ball in your last post/trip.:wave:
OK and well done for getting out, lets open this one out.

Dear all aiming for the 12/12.

Do we draw a blind eye on Dane using a campsite last month as wild camping wasn't possible and give him 3/3?

I vote yes Dane 3/3 (but don't do it again)

How about 3/3 with a yellow card? We can all have a yellow card if in the spirit, but not precisely following the initial 'guidelines'... ;-) xA
How about 3/3 with a yellow card? We can all have a yellow card if in the spirit, but not precisely following the initial 'guidelines'... ;-) xA

ps Think there should be bonus points if you post a photo with a Border Terrible. ;-) xA
Thanks for suggesting the waiving of the rules, but I know I didn't wild.

I shall endeavor to get back out this month and aim for 11/12, but the problem with owning exotic imported machinery is that getting them fixed is not always simple (let us ignore that the exhaust is exactly the same as that fitted to the euro available models...if your chassis number isn't in the system...). On the plus side, it is totally cool :)

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