If you buy a fonera and link it in to your Virgin router via a short cable, the fonera will create a micro FON node or cell.
This will enable anyone subscribed to FON to access your node and make use of your broadband facility, but cannot gain access to any information on your computer etc.
You, by purchasing and connecting the Fonera, have now become a member of the FON community and as such are entitled to connect into any other FON/BT Openzone node.
There are limitations: the bandwidth available to you through FON is approx 0.5 Mb, possibly less than you are used to, so data throughput is reduced, but still very useable, ie. last weekend, we were able to use FON and download from ITV player, made VOIP (Voice over IP) telephone calls to friends in the US and used SKYPE to have a video call to our Granddaughter in Milton Keynes.
All this from a field in Yorkshire!!
To help achieve this, I used the WiFI extender I mentioned at the beginning of the thread with the additional antenna.
So to connect to the village nearby is possible, but as you have broadband already, it's probably faster than FON.
It is of course possible to buy parabolic antennas (bit like Sky) to point at a friends house in the village and link up like that, but the costs start to escalate!!
OTHER USES of WiFi extender, our daughter at college who is always skint can use an extender and our login to gain access to the internet. Probably not what it's designed to do, but it works and BT do say that there is no useage limit on FON.
Doing this reply whilst in a layby in Bodelwyddan, N Wales while waiting for hospital appt.