Wi-fi Internet Access

what you need is www.netstumbler.com - that will detect wireless networks
Then you need a encoder cracker- - I'll look up the one I use and post it later
gets thru most encoding just takes a little time
MackD's soemtimes have WiFi access while you are there and you can get 1/2 an hour for the price of a cup of (filthy) coffee. You usually have to ask for a scratch and sniff card which gives the code for the day
happybonzo said:
what you need is www.netstumbler.com - that will detect wireless networks
Then you need a encoder cracker- - I'll look up the one I use and post it later
gets thru most encoding just takes a little time
MackD's soemtimes have WiFi access while you are there and you can get 1/2 an hour for the price of a cup of (filthy) coffee. You usually have to ask for a scratch and sniff card which gives the code for the day
tidy one hb cheers mate im interested in more info on this :D
what was your pm about yesterday x x
i use wifi radar i have a modded usb adapter and a aerial on the roof well it looks like a hockey puck and it will search out UN-secured wifi and connect to the easiest to get in and yes this maybe a Grey area but i will only go to industrial estate and use UN-secured business wifi not private wifi
jiffers said:
i use wifi radar i have a modded usb adapter and a aerial on the roof well it looks like a hockey puck and it will search out UN-secured wifi and connect to the easiest to get in and yes this maybe a Grey area but i will only go to industrial estate and use UN-secured business wifi not private wifi
sounds good too ;)
its free thats all i know the only problem you have to go looking for it yes if you went to a housing estate you would get loads i think it called something like war driving searching out free wifi but i don't think its fare to excess personal wifi but then if the local business computer bod cant be arsed to secure their wifi thats my gain
jiffers said:
its free thats all i know the only problem you have to go looking for it yes if you went to a housing estate you would get loads i think it called something like war driving searching out free wifi but i don't think its fare to excess personal wifi but then if the local business computer bod cant be arsed to secure their wifi thats my gain
i agree with you there mate,i prob wouldnt though myself because i only use internet for pleasure as once i park up thats where i like to stay...to me it'd be too much hassle to drive around looking for a free one!! although if i knew where one was .......well i would if i needed to,anyway signing off now,goodnight all x x
There you go - http://airsnort.shmoo.com/ - with thanx to my M8 LT for helping my aged brain along. Just a word of warning with a lot of these "fringe" programs; you do need a high level of computer skills to make them run: In other words, don't come screaming if it trashes your PC - LOL

"JIFFERS" suggestion about the modified USB detector is excellent. When you are inside you van it will almost be as good as sitting inside a Faraday cage as regards signal screening. The built aerial round the screen on a Laptop is good enough when you are in clear sight of the transmission site but if you are relying on the signal to go round a corner: Well, we are talking about Brit ISPs here, aren't we?

Also, is it theft? There has not been a test case - yet! It is difficult to tell whether it is a business network or a private one, especially in places like Uxbridge where there are businesses operating from private houses.

I am still surprised at the number of businesses that have unprotected networks. Who-ever does their IT should be sacked immediately.

On the so-called Help Lines: Watchdog had some Frog apologist from Orange on the programme last night who made the usual platitudes of "Nous recrutons plus de personnel" The Lying Frog Goit! It's no use recruiting more Staff if they are incomprehensible. Even my Indian Staff have trouble understanding people from the sub continent!

While we are on the subjectof foreign help(?) lines: If you buy an HP product ie a Printer or scanner and you are offered an "extended" warranty; if it is cheap and also covers immediate replacement - Take it with both hands because if you ever have to deal with their call centre in Mumbai you'll know what I mean
Caffe Nero give you 1/2 hr wifi access free when you are a customer.
excellent info people.......way over my head he he :p
but thanks for all the tips ;)
jiffers said:
its free thats all i know the only problem you have to go looking for it yes if you went to a housing estate you would get loads i think it called something like war driving searching out free wifi but i don't think its fare to excess personal wifi but then if the local business computer bod cant be arsed to secure their wifi thats my gain


Ah right ! So if you dont lock your door at night is ot OK to come into your house and steal things?, Maybe you might leave your van door unlocked one night because you 'cant be arsed' and someone takes your stereo?
Its theft. Quite simple. As some people have found out.

like i said in another thread i did not realise it was illegal so i am only going to use pay as you go at petrol stations from now on
Hot spots

As well as netstumbler, there's also a couple more if you 'Google' for free wi-fi hotsport directory.
A Well Run Business
Me: I was doing an overnight at a hotel away from home. I took my computer down to the bar to do some data entries. I sat down at the bar and I asked the bartender, 'What's the wifi password?'
Bartender: 'You need to buy a drink first.'
Me: 'Okay, I'll have a beer.'
Bartender: 'We have Sam Smiths on tap.'
Me: 'Sure. How much is that?'
Bartender: '£3.50.'
Me: 'Here you are. OK now, what's the wifi password?'
Bartender: ' "youneedtobuyadrinkfirst"; No spaces and all lowercase.
A Well Run Business
Me: I was doing an overnight at a hotel away from home. I took my computer down to the bar to do some data entries. I sat down at the bar and I asked the bartender, 'What's the wifi password?'
Bartender: 'You need to buy a drink first.'
Me: 'Okay, I'll have a beer.'
Bartender: 'We have Sam Smiths on tap.'
Me: 'Sure. How much is that?'
Bartender: '£3.50.'
Me: 'Here you are. OK now, what's the wifi password?'
Bartender: ' "youneedtobuyadrinkfirst"; No spaces and all lowercase.

I was wondering where this was going, 2007 ? Things must have changed since then, 11 years in tech, is like a thousand.
Using it as a vehicle for this pun is great. Well done
A Well Run Business
Me: I was doing an overnight at a hotel away from home. I took my computer down to the bar to do some data entries. I sat down at the bar and I asked the bartender, 'What's the wifi password?'
Bartender: 'You need to buy a drink first.'
Me: 'Okay, I'll have a beer.'
Bartender: 'We have Sam Smiths on tap.'
Me: 'Sure. How much is that?'
Bartender: '£3.50.'
Me: 'Here you are. OK now, what's the wifi password?'
Bartender: ' "youneedtobuyadrinkfirst"; No spaces and all lowercase.

Seems fair.

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