Its been lovely reading all your posts on the why's and how's your enjoy your vans and camping etc. For us we fell in to it last year after a really difficult year with so many traumatic things going on in our life. We both work extremely long hours and somewhere and somehow we got lost in all the troubles and heartache we were going through. I suddenly woke up one morning and thought 'I know lets go and buy a campervan'. We didnt have pots of money by no means and to be honest the little we did have should of gone on other things, but I though what the hell. So off we went and as you know we havnt looked back. I can honestly say its been the most enjoyable, funniest, and most of all the most healing time of my life. We love every second of it and I hope we will never ever be without a van of some sort, I would rather give up my car and everything else than be without our lovely 'Flora'.
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