Who is looking forward to Christmas?


It is not long now until the merry season is upon us again.

I put up the Christmas tree in the shop windows this week and the Christmas music is playing all day.

I love Christmas!

I love my Daughters delight at their gifts.
I love spending extra quality time with my family.

All my greater family; Mum, Dad, Stepdad, father in law, Brothers, sister in laws, nieces, nephews, Aunties, uncles, children and my lovely wife, spend boxing day together and have a meal.

I even love Christmas TV!


It is not long now until the merry season is upon us again.

I put up the Christmas tree in the shop windows this week and the Christmas music is playing all day.

I love Christmas!

I love my Daughters delight at their gifts.
I love spending extra quality time with my family.

All my greater family; Mum, Dad, Stepdad, father in law, Brothers, sister in laws, nieces, nephews, Aunties, uncles, children and my lovely wife, spend boxing day together and have a meal.

I even love Christmas TV!

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Have a wonderful Christmas Phil with your nice large family.
Apart from seeing the grandkids open their prezzies, i hate it, i'm off away on boxing day, til new years day xx
:ditto: i have really let myself grow to hate it :eek: the missus loves it and will go over the top again :mad2: and i will sit there seething like jim royale.
i try to eat as much cabbage,tinned steak and beans as i can on the 23rd & 24th :tongue::baby:
Aah Christmas. :D

Mulled wine.

Children roasting on an open fire.

I am with Old Arthur on this topic. (Statler and Waldorf). :cheers:
Can't say I'm ecstatic about Christmas, nice to see the family, nice to see them go.

I'm 60 on the 27th, strict orders, NO stupid party, I'd much rather be away in the MH!

Bah Humbug
I love Christmas although I hate the commercialisation of it.

For my family Christmas is a time to be together and enjoy one another's company (we do, strangely enough) and we have lots of family rituals (like Christmas Eve dinner together which, in some ways, is the best time of the whole holiday).

I love Christmas carols too and really enjoy singing in a carol service and watching Carols from Kings on Christmas Eve - wouldn't miss it!

Love the innocence and joy - hate the crass commercial exploitation!
Abi my daughter say's she is putting the ree up today. Don't know why as she is spending the college holiday with her borfriends family in Kent. My two nearest boys are arguing over who I should spend Christmas with. So I think I shall iether be on Woodbury common or stone henge. Peace and quiet, a good book and some music. A bottle or three of good red and bacon butties... Heaven.
It's nice to have a special time with family, and I love the festive atmosphere in the run up to the day - especially in the last week. But I hate the commercialisation, too... and the muzak! For me, it's a time of peace and reflection... and looking forward to a new year.

In my local Morrisons, the staff have all been wearing Christmas jackets for the past week. For me, it's all far too early - this huge great build-up to a couple of days, still 6 weeks away. Though I suppose, with the weather and the economy as it is, we need something bright and something to look forward to - so only half a humbug!
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It's nice to have a special time with family, and I love the festive atmosphere in the run up to the day - especially in the last week. But I hate the commercialisation, too... and the muzak! For me, it's a time of peace and reflection... and looking forward to a new year.

In my local Morrisons, the staff have all been wearing Christmas jackets for the past week. For me, it's all far too early - this huge great build-up to a couple of days, still 6 weeks away. Though I suppose, with the weather and the economy as it is, we need something bright and something to look forward to - so only half a humbug!

Only HALF a Humbug? Oh I see, you're buying the broken sweets off the market- clever, means you've got more money for diesel to get away!!
I hate Christmas we only do it for the kids,

BAH BUMHUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate what Christmas has become, more a celebration of commercialism than a sacred feast day! And it all starts much too early, with tv pedalling this cosy vision of families having wonderful times together once they buy an X-box, tin of Roses, M&S underwear, etc, etc.

The best bit of Christmas for me was opening my stocking, wondering what on earth I would find next. Now everyone knows what they're getting cos the kids have scoured the Argos catalogue and placed their orders well in advance!! And don't get me started on the money that will be spent, a lot of it wasted on stuff we don't want or need, or is used once and shoved in a corner.

I'd love to go back to a simpler time, when you didn't know WHAT you were getting, and the family wasn't put into horrendous debt to get it. I think to really enjoy Christmas you need children around who still ( or pretend to!) believe in the magic of Christmas, but with a bunch of grumpy old pensioners around, there isn't quite the same atmosphere......well, at least I have my memories!!

Maybe it's because we seem to have taken the Christ out of Christmas - maybe they should re-name it Cashmas, and then we wouldn't upset anyone's religious views either.

Sorry, suffering from grumpy old woman syndrome!!


(I guess that was a NO, I'm not looking forward to Christmas in MY case!!)
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all depends on what prezzies i get.if i don't get what i want i sulk till new years day and snap at small children
i have a confession to make :eek: i once talked the wife into going abroad for christmas and new year :idea: it killed us been away and we've never done it again.
i have a confession to make :eek: i once talked the wife into going abroad for christmas and new year :idea: it killed us been away and we've never done it again.

I once did the same, and she agreed. So she went abroad... and I stayed at home with all the presents and food and drink! :lol-053:
I'm with old Arthur too......

I hate being invaded by extended family who only bother to see you on the day so thy can get pressies/food and be waited on hand and foot........:mad1:
We're going off to Strid Wood in Wharfedale for Xmas.

Then wildcamping at Helwith Bridge/Ribblehead 27th Dec to 1st Jan.

Looking forward to a great time seeing some of the family up north. Also looking forward to NOT watching any Xmas TV, and going walking instead :tongue:

Hope everyone has a great time!

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