I would proceed with care in regards to using different types of batteries (both old and new). The importance in this is to establish that
battery types/construction match, as they to tend to charge at different rates.
Using old with new can lead to complications as kindly explained by another member, BUT you haven't mentioned if the batteries are Open/Sealed Lead acid or Gel, the reason I mention this is that the "Old Dear's" electric wheelchair has a AGM
battery. This type of
battery will certainly have a recommended maximum charge volt different to the Lead acid types commonly found in the Leisure industry.
Someone has also very kindly explained how to connect multiple batteries together, but it is also worth noting that the thicker the
battery joining cable and the closer the batteries are together, the better the
battery bank (Certainly if you are using inverters/12v compressor fridges, or want the split charge system to offer the best support to the
battery bank). You mention a brand of Split Charge relay, what it the Amps transfer rate? If you are unsure, the relay itself is normally maked on the top, telling you of it's rating. This can certainly be very important when it comes to charging
battery banks as most production Motorhomes/campers use a simple and basic 4 pin relay (Rated at 30A max, although they commonly burn out!), and 2.5mm cable, which when using as a wild camper can take an awful long drive to recover the leisure
battery bank back to a usable capacity. It has been common practice of mine to upgrade the split charge circuit every time I have changed the motorhome, or close friends have changed theirs as I always encourage a minimum size of
battery bank and a good and reliable way of replenishing the energy back into the batteries quickly.
Also if fitted, you need to look at the rating and type of mains charger should you have one fitted.