What to do if you see someone tipping toilet waste illegally (UK)

I think what is needed is a proper deterrent - £2000 fine minimum for a start (although left to me it would be £10k) and community service picking up litter. A couple of high profile cases might deter some, but no as usual we pussyfoot around these issues.

Unfortunately some will still risk clandestine dumping of waste and unless they are on the DNA database how do you catch them?

And who would want the job of collecting samples for DNA? :sick:
Apparently no DNA from jobbies , unless they contain blood .
Policeman told me so it must be true
I see both sides in this.

7' tall, built like the proverbial brick shiit house and a pro boxer, then maybe have a go at the scrotes dumping his dumps.

5'7" tall, wrong side of 70 and likely to die of a heart attack if you get out of an armchair too quickly, then no way have a go at the scrotes.

There are plenty of youtube clips of peeps confronting waste dumpers, most usually end with the dumpers looking shame faced and piling the rubbish back in the van.
But it could go seriously wrong!

Assess the situation, don't be a hero and report.
Alternatively, beat the peeps to a pulp and scarper.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Thus providing the anti-motorhome brigade with more ammunition!
Never seen a motorhome owner do this only van owners...you know the type with just a mattress slung in the back...
Some type of self contained certificate is needed to prevent unwanted behaviour..
It's so easy to just get it added to an annual mot test.
I have over the years confronted many campers dumping waste and dog walkers not picking up poo but at a beach beauty spot watching car drivers there for the day then trotting of into nearby parkland with toilet roll in hand and you know local councils will blame the motorhomers and the reaction is to ban us I even took photos sent them to the council the response height barriers so the car crappers are still getting away with it.
You have explained clearly what is happening and what councils do in respose to littering and the toilet habits of car drivers - prevent campervans!
It's always the faults of campervans, but as already said above everyone and there dog gets hold of a campervan and do just what they like. Unsafe to challenge some of these oiks who may well carry a knife.

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