What Do You Think About Avatars??

Everyone seems to know me as Sox's owner so the dog must be more memorable than me, hence the avatar:sad:
As good looking as I am I feel its not fair to show the other male members up (and lets face it they are an ugly bunch) so I display an avatar of my lovely wife sat on her scooter at Mont St Michel. Other forums arent so lucky.

I think showing "Male Members", is a complete No! No!. The management will be on here faster than a, I dunno, somfin really fast. Three toed Sloth or a Reliant Robin. Summat like that, init.
Just updated my profile... hadn’t realised about the update,thanks Jennie. I matched lots of names and faces to avatars At Druridge - people are a friendly bunch. But perhaps a sign in windscreens would help?
Just updated my profile... hadn’t realised about the update,thanks Jennie. I matched lots of names and faces to avatars At Druridge - people are a friendly bunch. But perhaps a sign in windscreens would help?

I know that Roamingrog and Leelinda and Magbrin at meets first night try and generate a theme which gets folk together should they wish a "meet and greet" in my world I did the same at my mini meet

There was one large meet I recall people were given signs to put in the windscreen along the lines of "do not disturb" or "knock and say hello" but the idea seems to have fizzled out (happy to be corrected) Perhaps that should be looked at again and perhaps complimented with a user name ?

"should they wish " is the operative term for some folk want to relax in a corner somewhere, the knack is in making people feel welcome but not obliged as I perceive things

I just love Snoopy my last two vans have been called Snoopy and I am a likeable person (so I am told) but can be a little annoying at times then my avatar just about sums that up.😈 😇
I know that Roamingrog and Leelinda and Magbrin at meets first night try and generate a theme which gets folk together should they wish a "meet and greet" in my world I did the same at my mini meet

There was one large meet I recall people were given signs to put in the windscreen along the lines of "do not disturb" or "knock and say hello" but the idea seems to have fizzled out (happy to be corrected) Perhaps that should be looked at again and perhaps complimented with a user name ?

"should they wish " is the operative term for some folk want to relax in a corner somewhere, the knack is in making people feel welcome but not obliged as I perceive things


These were at the Cheshire New Year meet.

I thought that they were a good idea, still got mine.
Why would you go to a meet and then not want to meet anyone? Sounds a bit daft to me. :D
Why would you go to a meet and then not want to meet anyone? Sounds a bit daft to me. :D

Perhaps they find to travel hopefully, is a better thing than to arrive.
or when reality surpasses high expectations, result is gloom :cry:
I dunno.
Why would you go to a meet and then not want to meet anyone? Sounds a bit daft to me. :D

That certainly would be daft... good luck to anyone even trying to get away with that at one of our meets! :raofl:
I think the signs were more about being able to grab a private moment for a shower or nap or something. Most people are out and about anyway and tend to sit out somewhere chatting. The signs started during the winter, when more people retreat to their vans at times, so it was a good way to see if someone wouldn't mind a knock on the door. I've still got mine but haven't seen anyone use them in ages.
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Where would we be without them flying planes n that��
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I didn't get out much to meet people (for personal reasons) but I welcome anyone to come and have a chat, it is getting back out of the van that is the problem for them, getting in is easy:scared:
I didn't get out much to meet people (for personal reasons) but I welcome anyone to come and have a chat, it is getting back out of the van that is the problem for them, getting in is easy:scared:

Trying to get a word in sideways is also difficult. Just kidding Maggie, honest.
I didn't get out much to meet people (for personal reasons) but I welcome anyone to come and have a chat, it is getting back out of the van that is the problem for them, getting in is easy:scared:

When I met Tezza33 the hardest thing was trying to escape from the terrible jokes!

But HE managed to get away in the end :lol-053:
Going back to the avatars matter. They came in way back at pretty much the beginning of the web as the ability to get pics up there was near impossible due to the lack of software. So they have been around a long long time at least 25 years so I suppose that now makes them traditional.

Never say never but we want to experience isolation and natural beauty so meets for us are unlikely. Personal choice here.

Why would you go to a meet and then not want to meet anyone? Sounds a bit daft to me. :D

If you saw some of the gargoyles who attend the meets Barry, you would understand.

Luckily, I'm there to add a bit of glamour.

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