what do do with empty gas bottles

Don't bother trying to get a refund on the bottles, it won't happen unless you have only had them for a few weeks and still have the "rental agreement ", you are best off trying to sell them at a boot sale, I know you aren't supposed to sell them but this is real world we are talking about, In the CCC club magazine recently Calor were bemoaning the fact that hundreds of bottles had gone missing and they thought they were getting into scrap yards via the [ you know who's ] good I say , if they honoured the rental refund system fairer they would get more returned to them
Don't bother trying to get a refund on the bottles, it won't happen unless you have only had them for a few weeks and still have the "rental agreement ", you are best off trying to sell them at a boot sale, I know you aren't supposed to sell them but this is real world we are talking about, In the CCC club magazine recently Calor were bemoaning the fact that hundreds of bottles had gone missing and they thought they were getting into scrap yards via the [ you know who's ] good I say , if they honoured the rental refund system fairer they would get more returned to them

Abso-bloody-lutely! I tried taking one back many years ago, I didn't have the receipt, but even if I had the % return after a year or so was minimal. I mean, the bottles obviuosly only last a few months don't they? :) That's why they are always in such good condition & never rusty or repainted . . .

A smaller deposit & honoured without receipt for any reuseable bottle would see all bottles returned - oh & a few knicked too. There's always a down side isn't there? :)
I am only making such a fuss because I few years back I LOST my deposit to Homebase when they decided to cut their ties with
Calor. Despite I had a copy of the rental agreement whith my deposit, Homebase refused to refund my money and told me to go to Calor. Needless to say Calor didn't want to refund it either and told me to get the money of Homebase who initially took if off me.
I stopped by our recycling depot today and asked the guy if they took old calor gas bottles. They do and have a locked storage cage for them, guy says a calor truck stops by every now and again and picks them up.
When I was a Calor dealer I had 20 empty bottles stolen. They only took empties, not full ones. I had to pay Calor 50% over the hire charge for each one, because I had lost them from my bottle stock.

The Calor hire agreement is with Calor Gas Ltd not the dealer, so they should and will refund. However the hire agreement refund is on a sliding scale over a number of years, so if you have been a customer for years then there is no refund.

A dealer gets a stock of bottles and if he puts one out on a hire agreement he produces that agreement to Calor to get a replacement bottle in stock. I would try a local dealer as he would probably welcome some reserve bottles.

the calor shop is saying 29.99 for the refill agreement (deposit).
use flogas . no deposit on over 11kg bottles . well it is down here so that and cheaper gas may be worth giving them a go.
I too was at a recycling centre/scrap yard today, when a well-spoken, middleclass person enquired whether they accept gas bottles. The reply was "yes".

sean rua.
When I last called at scrapyards there were signs saying "No pressurised containers accepted" with a list including empty gas-cylinders, used fire-extinguishers etc, so it looks like some will and some won't take them.
My local recycling centre takes gas bottles, they also "exchange" for different types if you ask nicely... I've chopped up a few to make woodburners for patio heating and currently have one lined up to make an air reciever for my compressor. Needless to say you need to take care when working with containers which may be pressurised with flammable liquid...:scared:

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