West Country in Winter

There used to be some lovely park ups in Cornwall but the council and national trust have done for them all pretty much. Also the most expensive parking charges in the country. Really annoying and so short sighted.
Many have tried emailing the council but all you get is a standard reply saying there are many campsites!
Some of which are sixty quid pn!.
And when working in Kirkcaldy, two of the 'lads', one from Birmingham t'other from Manchester, where arguing over who was a 'Northerner', when one of the Jim's said "Your both southern sassenach's".
I worked for a German firm in UK for 16 yrs, on a trip to our Anglesea facility i asked my local born and bred oppo number how it felt working for the Germans, reply: you are all foriegners across the ditch!
well, as a Londoner, you will also know "The North" is anywhere upwards of the Watford Gap :)
As a temporary Devonian, I always regarded Cornwall, Devonshire, some of Somerset and a bit of Dorset as "the West Country", and not the "South West Country". DLVA would kind of agree with vehicles registered in Cornwall, Devon and Avon being given a "Wx" reg - the "W" bit being for "West Country".
I don't know of anyone (except one now) calling that area the South West Country :rolleyes: . It is the South West, but definately not the South West Country :)
Up London? Yer, donee go ther boy, they'll all rob ee, donee trust um.
West country sage to west country boy (me) many bany years ago. True.
We did Devon and Cornwall in January once. Loved it but it was one of those really bad winters, 2010 I think. We spent one night on Slapton sands car park in six inches of snow. I found there was more going on in Cornwall than Devon. Many of the touristy villages in Devon were dead. Maybe there are more second homes there perhaps. Enjoyed it though. Didnt do much wilding, mainly CLs.
2010 just been quoted on the meeja as a bad winter. My dad died in Minehead that january and the place was iced up everywhere.
Don't be silly, once a Norff Londoner, always a Norff Londoner, and they don't do errors. 😝 🤣
Wrong! My wife is from Windsor and she certainly never does anything wrong, ever!! I'm the wrong un...
2010 just been quoted on the meeja as a bad winter. My dad died in Minehead that january and the place was iced up everywhere.

Yep. We couldn't even get up to North Devon on that trip when we left Cornwall. All the roads were blocked. Ended up in Stratford upon Avon on a CL in about a foot of snow. I think we were a bit more adventurous then when it came to bad weather.
Up London? Yer, donee go ther boy, they'll all rob ee, donee trust um.
West country sage to west country boy (me) many bany years ago. True.
So true. Always count your fingers after shaking hands

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