we're we gassed????

This story is exactly that .......a story absolute bolllocks.

I lived in Beziers, lived at the side of fhe midi for three months.....never heard of anyone beiing gassec motorhome and boati.g community..
I know ! lol
Not only that but they all or nearly all got gas drop out vents so is the knock out gas heavier or lighter than air ????
God it all gets so complicated now it might be easier to just break in fast and silently ?

i always found it easier to mug them while theyre undoing all the locks to their vans,plus those gas bottles don't get any lighter as you get older you know.
I have to admit having read the report from the college of anaesthetists I don't believe gassing is practical or can happen. There would have been some deaths reported by now if it had been true. However we were broken into in the night, I hadn't been drinking and we had two very territorial dogs with us that never made a sound. So for all those very complacent skeptical people out there who don't take precautions I just hope it doesn't happen to you
And for those who can only look at the spelling and have nothing better to say, I apologise for not noticing predictive text altering my writing on my first post
I have to admit having read the report from the college of anaesthetists I don't believe gassing is practical or can happen. There would have been some deaths reported by now if it had been true. However we were broken into in the night, I hadn't been drinking and we had two very territorial dogs with us that never made a sound. So for all those very complacent skeptical people out there who don't take precautions I just hope it doesn't happen to you

Sorry to hear about your ordeal but the following may help to explain what may have happened to the dogs. I agree with others that gassing is nothing more than an urban myth but some friends of ours had their motorhome broken into in a supermarket car park in southern Spain a few years back and they too had a couple of very frisky dogs with them. The thieves broke into the van via a small window and when our friends got back they discovered that the dogs were very lethargic and remained so for several days. They of course reported the whole thing to the police who said that it was possible that the dogs had been fed drugged food to keep them quiet. I've no idea what drug could have been used or how quickly it could have acted but it sounds possible to me. The thieves would have known what to expect because our friends had a large "beware of the dog" notice in the window (maybe these are counter-productive) and apparantly they had been operating in this particular area for several days (nice to be told that after the event!). Finally, you can be broken into anywhere so, while it is of course wise to take precautions, don't get paranoid about it and turn your van into a prison. Hope your future travels are not quite so eventful.
valium in raw liver.a bloke i knew used this recipe to make it easier to go midnight shopping for spares at the scrapyard ,despite the rotweiler
And for those who can only look at the spelling and have nothing better to say, I apologise for not noticing predictive text altering my writing on my first post

Merely showing that to make the anagram work properly an apostrophe has to be introduced and coincidently it's the word "we're" that you use. That's the trouble with predictive text you can't predict what it's going to do, it's unpredictable.

Most of us are very sceptical on the matter of Gas Robbery not least of all yourself, which is after all, why you asked the question. You were there.... and even you don't know!!!
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i am all for using some kind of locking device within your van when occupied, however, it should be a non key operated locking device. reason being. if you need to evacuate quickly when half asleep, can you be sure you, wife or kids could / would be able to find key and operate lock, especially if van filling with smoke, etc....I have been in a van when it catches fire and it spreads very very quickly.........
just my thoughts.......
Well, I sacked the watch dogs on return to England, they certainly were not up the the job. Your right! I will have to employ an alarm instead. The last laugh though was to find our belongings in the dirt in the morning. The answer is to make sure you only take your old stuff away with you. My husband breaks sunglasses daily and therefor buys the cheapest he can find so they were also out on the path. The other van broken into that night was also a Ducato belonging to a French family who lost quite a lot of valuable stuff. They said they had been going there for 20 years with no probs. so yes I'm not overly worried and the joys of motor homing still out way any minor inconveniences
parking sensors

For my security whilst im asleep in my van, ive fitted parking sensors at all entry points to the M/H, this gives me a warning of anyone or anything within a metre of my doors, when im not asleep they get turned off.
As said a motorhome should have drop out holes but on all the vans I'v had the skylight tends to vent to the outside. I don't believe gassing can happen even though we spoke to 2 couples who were convinced they had been gassed. The only gassing that I think did happen & was reported I think in the motorcaravan mag. but in that case the thieves knew they were in the van & they broke a window & threw a canister of something like tear gas or smoke to try to get them to get out of the van (not the conventional 'gassing' type of story) I think they were parked outside friends in France & they were able to raise the alarm.
call me a cynic.....

sometimes I can't get over the feeling that certain postings are only put up to learn about peoples new tricks and gimmicks of how to secure their pride and joy.

I have some security measure in place which are not available anywhere of the shelf. You can bet your money on it that I will never post about it.

I used to own a classic car and it made me cringe when people replied with detailed instructions in postings starting with "damn, I lost my key and can't get into my car, what is the best way...."
Although i wasnt gassed,my experience sleeping overnight at an aires near Aix en Provence a couple of years ago was quite scary..Luckily i wasnt that deeply asleep in my van when i heard a faint sound at the side..i looked out of the window,couldnt see anyone then looked through the thin curtain i had separating the cab from the back..and noticed my passenger door wide open..then saw the silouette of a man in the cab,my instant reaction was to go for him,he leapt out the van and jumped into a waiting car,they sped off as i ran after them..in just my pants!lol
Went back and checked my van,luckily nothing was taken from my glovebox,camera satnav etc were still there, i must of heard them just in time.

What i saw of them,they looked like Romanian Gypsies..oddly enough after sitting there a bit shaken in the van for a while i noticed a few people milling about even tho it was 3am..a little later a car load of similar looking guys drove slowly past and parked out of sight,two men then made their way over to a car with german plates with people asleep in it.they peered in the car,thinking they might be about to break in,i quickly drove over to them flashing my lights,they slunk off in the direction they came from.. i then got out,went to the german car to warn the occupants..to see it to was full of romany gypsies types too,looking around i realised they were in at least 4 other viechles..with them in all watching the proceedings!
reckon they must live there at nights,no problem with that,but not happy about having both my locks broken!..i warned one other foreign couple who i,d spotted earlier,then along with them made a sharp exit!

Last year when there,got chatting to an English couple caravanning,who reckoned her nephew was gassed along with 3 mates..the two who were sleeping lower in the van were very ill for days..they recommended a gas detector!..sure its a rare occurance tho
How did you know they were "Romanian Gypsies?" Did they have a badge or something?
Sorry to hear about your exeperience but I dont think you were gassed. It really is a myth. Having said that its amazing just how many people are convinced of the horrors that await them should they dare to step outside the "apparent" safety of the campsite, especially in Evil, crime wridden mainland Europe!

Late September last summer towards the end of a mammoth trip we holed up on a lovely little ACSI site off the beaten track in the Dordogne. Lake, pool, massive pitch still 30 degrees every day and sunny and just €11 a night so we stopped a while and chilled. We had a whole section of the campsite to ourselves and the only others there were 4 Brit couple (three tuggers and a MH) all huddled together on another part of the site.

I remember chatting with two of them in the pool. When we told them we had been wilding or using Aires, Sostas and Stellplatz all summer they were horrified. "Oh you were really lucky not to get gassed and robbed!" One chimed in. Apparently both couples knew someone whos friend had been gassed and robbed and apparently its very common on Aires as France isnt really safe outside of the campsites. One of them came to the same campsite every year but would never stop or go anywhere else for fear of being robbed in Evil France!!

Well I tried not to fall about laughing and show a little respect but it was hard. I mean its great for us in the know to be able to run around Europe knowing the likelyhood of being broken into is much lower than in the UK and that we will NOT be gassed but there is clearly a section of us campers who perhaps dont come on here or other forums that think Europe is full of axe murdering gas wielding thieves!

I asked them if they felt safer camping at home. "Oh yes definately". They were from Birmingham. :lol-049:
last time we went to europe,we were gassed nearly every night,and during the day gypsies would steal our washing off the line,leaving the bars in the evening we were often robbed at gunpoint by scar faced criminals, and coming back to uk we could hardly move for illegal immigrants hiding in our cupboards. but overall, i still reckon we had more fun than going to weston super mare.
last time we went to europe,we were gassed nearly every night,and during the day gypsies would steal our washing off the line,leaving the bars in the evening we were often robbed at gunpoint by scar faced criminals, and coming back to uk we could hardly move for illegal immigrants hiding in our cupboards. but overall, i still reckon we had more fun than going to weston super mare.

I don't think I could cope with that.:scared:
One of them came to the same campsite every year but would never stop or go anywhere else for fear of being robbed in Evil France!!
This is an attitude I try to foster in others as often as possible - don't want the aires to be full when I arrive at them! :cheers:
This is an attitude I try to foster in others as often as possible - don't want the aires to be full when I arrive at them! :cheers:

Oh I wouldn’t worry. These people were not for convincing and clearly thought we were crackers (well we are a bit). I found it funny really as I put myself in the position of an evil Johnny Foreigner Axe murderer / Gas wielding burglar and started to think what target I would choose if I were wanting to prey upon poor unsuspecting campers. Would I choose to Gas, pillage and murder campers who are parked 10 feet apart on open ground on an Aire in a village surrounded by houses or would I choose an out of the way campsite, miles from anywhere with no security, the owners living off site and a few vans parked on shaded separate pitches? Oh no I wouldn’t be able to do the later because of the invisible death ray force field that protects you as soon as you drive onto a site. Bah!

Dont have nightmares, just adventures!

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