We have the technology.


Just after sending my last post I visited leClercs and now have a French dongle(No rude comments please) , which will give me internet access for 3 Euros per week while we're here.:wave:
so you are fitting in quite well . hope you have a fantastic time . keep your eyes open for aires books in the super martkets . can be very cheap.
i bet you are really bored having a new adventure every day .ha ha . keep posting enjoy it .
Just after sending my last post I visited leClercs and now have a French dongle(No rude comments please) , which will give me internet access for 3 Euros per week while we're here.:wave:

Is that three Euro every week on a contract and what's your data limit please? We've just decided to go to Brittany for three weeks in August and I'd like a sim card for my unlocked dongle but of course I'll only need a temporary one. How much was the dongle?

Three euros per month payg. Unlimited data.

The dongle was £59 Euros, but I need to work out how to recharge it and the French is a bit beyond me and google translate, so I'll have to find someone whose french is better, or find an SFR shop.
Data is unlimited.

I've managed to get google to translate, but at the moment having problems generating a password for my new account to top up due to a system error.
This seems like pretty good deal IF it is unlimited bamdwidth.

3 EUR/week = 12/month = say £10 a month.

For £10 a month you could get 1GB on Three UK, or 3GB for £15 but either way it is limited and not a huge amount for frequent users.

Edit: Well, I looked at the link given and I translate as

Time limited pass: 24/48 hours 6/9EUR but unlimited data

Data limited pass: 50mb at 3 EUR, ranging up to 1GB at 35 EUR

Given these restrictions I think the UK deals are actually better. The data limited passes are in particular very expensive
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And to me it reads that the card will only give you access to the internet for up to 3 days. Can't see anything about access for one week?
Problems recharging the sim.

I've been looking online to see how to recharge this, but it looks like I may have to go back to Leclercs to find out how to enter a vouvher number online.
We've just come back from France
and asked everywhere regarding internet as i have a MIFI
and would luv to get a data card for it But!
Everywhere we asked was told it was to expensive to get a PAYG data card :(
Used that burger place again!
only to be asked by our 6 year old Granddaughter why we were always in
McDonalds :help: how to i get out of that one ha ha
€59 is is incredibly expensive for a dongle, unless the data costs are somehow subsidised. I have a dongle and it cost me about £20. I got an unlock code on the web in less than an hour. There are loads of free services offering this. In Croatia recently I got a local sim card for £11 and it gave me 1 gigabyte of data for a month. I was there over two weeks and didn't use it up!

If you go this route you sometimes need to enter a bit of mildly techie stuff such as APN settings, which tell the dongle which service it is using but you can obtain these on-line before you leave the U.K. and if you have to, enter them when you buy your local sim.

The best way to think of a dongle is that it is just like a mobile phone but without a speaker or microphone. You can access the web and even sent text messages but, when you put in a new sim card, the phone may need to know which provider its using and the provider's access details APN) may need to be entered into the dongle's settings.

I have a o2 German dongle and wanted a english simm for our trip.I was told in o2 shop that it would work as i need to buy a english Dongle.I got a free sim,loaded it up with 10 pounds of data for a month, downloaded the english o2 connection software and BINGO it works.
just to let others know while travelling abroad.

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