We finally did it !!


Full Member
Well we finally managed to squeeze the contents of our 4 bed house into a 2 storey garage and handed the keys over to a family who are going to rent our house for at least 1 year.

So full timing here we are. We sat on the drive with a glass of bubbly and said "where to now then??"

Just one month of work left for me and 2 months for my wife then we will be off to sunnier climes on the 17th September.

Very strange feeling to be brickless ! But very exciting too.

Keep us posted on this one and have a great and safe journey.:goodluck::have fun::wave:
Bon voyage.

We've got to come back at some point unfortunately...
Glad all went well with vacating your house - I imagine it must be quite strange finally realising your dream.

Will try to plan a meet early September before you finally take off.
Thanks to you all for your kind comments............

Last night we slept on the road tonight we have gone upmarket - sleeping in a field full of sheep!

She not happy cos I left her alone to come to work....bit of bad planning there. Roll on tomorrow morning.:dance:

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