We are so lucky - what is your...


I am sitting here drinking a latte made with double cream, warm and comfortable in my motorhome. From my window, I can see the sea is slowly filling the bay and taking back the beach. The sun is bright and on the horizon, a tanker ship slowly makes its way to a distant port. We are so lucky to be able to live this lifestyle.

Other people are rushing to work or dropping the kids off at school, whilst I look out at the sea as the sun warms my face.


Do you have a favourite motorhome memory that you would like to share?
South Island NZ. Rounding the bend in the road and getting my first view of Lake Tekapo impossibly turquoise, surrounded by millions of Lupins in a kaleidoscope of colours, Snow covered Mt Cook in the background. It literally took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes, it was quite emotional.

lake tekapo.jpg
And I am battling my way down the M62 delivering in the heart of Manchester, getting cut up and brake checked by idiots also virtually every other person driving whilst on the phone. Were did I go wrong in life :cry:
And I am battling my way down the M62 delivering in the heart of Manchester, getting cut up and brake checked by idiots also virtually every other person driving whilst on the phone. Were did I go wrong in life :cry:
You became a driver, come down to London to get the real ethnic experience.

I don't believe in luck, life is what you make it if you plan ahead things will happen, chance favours the ready mind.
Ooh Aah Double cream !

Not good for the Diet..
Last video VG

Great places
2017 Kyle of Tongue (Scotland)
2016 Jekelfjord (Norway)
2015 Mijoux (France)
2014 Sighisoara (Romania) & Memmingen (Germany)
2013 Sarlat (France)
2012 Prebischtor Gate Pravčická brána (Czech R)
2011 Caenarfon (Wales)
2010 Old Man of Storr (Skye)

Yes we are so lucky !

(Or Well organised ?)
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i recall being so fed up with rain after 2 months of it in Eire and then several weeks of it in Scotland 2 years ago.... i set the satnav to Paris one day and set off in grumpy mode.... a few miles down the road i turned a corner and saw Suilven... i ground to a halt speechless. it was the most characterful mountain i had seen... i drove round it for a week, wildcamping, getting magnificent and different views of it on a daily basis.....

time to go back
I am sitting here drinking a latte made with double cream, warm and comfortable in my motorhome. From my window, I can see the sea is slowly filling the bay and taking back the beach. The sun is bright and on the horizon, a tanker ship slowly makes its way to a distant port. We are so lucky to be able to live this lifestyle.

Other people are rushing to work or dropping the kids off at school, whilst I look out at the sea as the sun warms my face.

Nice picture Chris it looks warm and sunny. I am not always up to speed but may I please ask ? Where are you at the moment is it UK or Europe
We sold up, house and business and took off in our first motorhome. Dropped our daughter off in Wolverhampton, to start college. Hung around Ironbridge, doing the museums and making sure our baby was settled..
2 weeks touring Pembrokeshire coast on damp, deserted campsites. We realized that the van was struggling with the hills and only doing 15Mpg.

Back to the dealer in Bradford, He said he'd have the turbo checked at the main dealer.

They said What turbo ? It was there on the log book, but none was fitted. Previous owner had it 3 years, bought new from Brownhills. Off to TB Turbo, in Lancashire ,hotel, hire car and turbo fitted at dealers expense. A weeks holidays in Blackpool.. In late October!

Finally got the ferry to France, knowing nothing of the Aires or wildcamping. Soon learned !

Arrived on the Algarve, early December. Oh, it was scruffy, warm and charming.

Spent our first night wild camping on Boca del Rio beach side. Us and 2 other vans, well spaced

Next morning, straight out of the van, crossing the deserted beach ... And into the sea !
Stayed there until the cassette was brimming.

Innocents abroad.
Way too many to mention. I went semi retired at 42 and bought a motorhome and have been lucky enough over the past decade to have spent around 50 % of my time in it, usually long trips over the summer of 4-6 months. I guess not many people my age will have been so fortunate.

I think two of the most magical memories were early on when we first drove into the Alps in the van and the first time we rounded the corner and saw the Cirque de Gavarnie in the Pyrenees. Just jaw dropping. I Can remember going swimming pissed at 1am on a hot summer night around Bastile Day time on Lake Annecy. Still people milling around, drinking, chatting, swimming and generally having a great time. It just felt magical to be there. So many hot lazy days spent out on the scooter, jumping in lakes or the sea and getting lost in France or the Swiss Alps. Magical.

I guess there are so many memories like that. I put a lot of the pictures and videos on youtube now so they are always there to remind me when my brain starts to go but I doubt the memories will ever fade.
Spending several days on the aire at Les Arcs (sur Argence). Possibly the tattiest car park we have ever been on but it was the car park of a wine wholesaler. Wine was purchased in polythene bottles out of petrol pump type affairs and, unsurprisingly everybody was so friendly that we stayed longer than the 1 night we had planned. We played boules everyday with the French and Belgian motorhomers and had communal barbecues every night.
Sadly the aire is now closed due to complaints about noise but if it was still open we’d be back like a shot, despite the dirt and the noise!
we arrived in Algarve about 1980, the main drag .the EN125 was still cobbled and carts and stuttery 3 wheeler m/bikes were the main peasant transport. we had £25 to live on and my sister sent us £200 to a Monchique bank. we found out later that banks held onto any foreign money as long as they could , so they denied all knowledge of it fo 2 weeks. we spent that time in the layby at Foia which had a spring , managing to keep 3 kids occupied ! loved the place and still do, you ccould get away with staying on a beach for months sometimes , and when you were moved on it was always at gunpoint and always 2 or 3 in the morning . worth it though !
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I am sitting here drinking a latte made with double cream, warm and comfortable in my motorhome. From my window, I can see the sea is slowly filling the bay and taking back the beach. The sun is bright and on the horizon, a tanker ship slowly makes its way to a distant port. We are so lucky to be able to live this lifestyle.

Other people are rushing to work or dropping the kids off at school, whilst I look out at the sea as the sun warms my face.

Do you have a favourite motorhome memory that you would like to share?

Know exactly what you mean Phil. I have so many incredible memories... inevitably, lots of them with Martin. So many times sitting outside in the early evening sun with glasses of wine, when those feelings of being completely and utterly blessed would bubble up. He'd have a big contented smile, chink glasses with me and say "this is the life, kid". I can really enjoy those memories again now... and equally enjoy making new ones. Oh and I still think I'm the luckiest person in the world to have a motorhome and such great friends to enjoy it all with. [/end of embarrassingly soppy moment :eek:]
Way too many to mention. I went semi retired at 42 and bought a motorhome and have been lucky enough over the past decade to have spent around 50 % of my time in it, usually long trips over the summer of 4-6 months. I guess not many people my age will have been so fortunate.
We did the same after spending two years in hospital at 40yrs old, not knowing what the future held we built a campervan from an Iveco Daily (no where near as good as some of the home builds we see on here but it was built to a budget, still did the job though), travelled all around Europe but our favourite Summer stops were Port La Nouvelle beach, wildcamping at its best but no longer allowed, communal BBQ's with sardines on the menu every night, free from the harbour because the fishing boats didn't want them, we used to spend months there

in the same area we also used Leucate Plage, we stayed on the car park for a few months every year as well but the authorities decided that they would build a proper aire and charge, we still go there because it is full of happy memories, both of them on a meditarranian beach for free so how can you not like it
I have lots of memories from around the World but for some reason Africa gave me the best ones. They say you either love it or hate it, obviously I loved it.
Bet you are missing your family:cry:
I know I did when I worked away from home for weeks on end!
You need someone to share the experience with!
I was often looking over the sea in Portugal, fantastic views, but all alone

I saw much of the world when working, but it was nearly always alone. I find it much preferable now seeing the detail of the wonderful United Kingdom together in the van.
A favourite view that I've enjoyed is of the West side of the Isle of Man from Dumfries and Galloway, and the view the other way from the Isle of Man is just as good.

Isle of Man from Scotland


Scotland from Isle of Man


I agree that we are all very fortunate to get to enjoy our vans.
I have lots of memories from around the World but for some reason Africa gave me the best ones. They say you either love it or hate it, obviously I loved it.
When we lived in South Africa Jim I had to travel to West Africa to other factories as part of my job, I loved it and I understand exactly what you mean, Africa definitely gets under your skin and I loved it as well

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