The Grand Wanderer
I wanted more miles per gallon, I wanted to change gear less often, I wanted money to fall from heaven. (well it would be nice)
Had van re-mapped last year at the Western Motorhome Show, went to Portugal for winter and have had my Mercedes based van going into Limp Home Mode when under hard uphill acceleration ever since. Took it to a Merc dealership today they put it on the Computermebob and guess what, nothing wrong with any sensors or the PDF or EGR.
Fault code stored in memory was P 0406 PD ( this means EGR valve A circuit- high voltage)
As it happens there was an outstanding recall on the van which included a software update, which included flashing the ECU with updated Merc software. It's now restored to back to Merc Specification.
I am poorer by 70 squids but at least my van is now behaving as it should.:scared::wave::lol-053:
Moral of this sad story is the manufacture knows what is best for their vehicles.
Or do you know different?
Had van re-mapped last year at the Western Motorhome Show, went to Portugal for winter and have had my Mercedes based van going into Limp Home Mode when under hard uphill acceleration ever since. Took it to a Merc dealership today they put it on the Computermebob and guess what, nothing wrong with any sensors or the PDF or EGR.
Fault code stored in memory was P 0406 PD ( this means EGR valve A circuit- high voltage)
As it happens there was an outstanding recall on the van which included a software update, which included flashing the ECU with updated Merc software. It's now restored to back to Merc Specification.
I am poorer by 70 squids but at least my van is now behaving as it should.:scared::wave::lol-053:
Moral of this sad story is the manufacture knows what is best for their vehicles.
Or do you know different?