Want an adventure?


Full Member
Anyone fed up with the weather,

Don't know what to do to add a little exitement in life.

Well todays the day, were off tonight in the M/Home.

To, wait for it.

Oaklands fortnightly general auction, at Shrewsbury.

Been an avid fan of auction sales / car boots for years.

You never know what little gem you may pick up.

Not only is it somewhere to go in the van as its 80 miles from home.

there is a big car boot/ market, at Chirk the next day weather permitting.

So the misses who only want to go away if its a blue moon, really looks forward to this trip out.

The auction owner Derek lets us wildcamp on his car park the night before. What a very nice man.

So our itinery is.

Leave home at 5 pm.

Arrive at Morrisons Shrewsbury at about 7pm, for a meal and a fortnightly shop up, and fill the tank up.

(This is when they knock the food down. I know, I know, I'm a peasent. But its fun and good for the wallet).

Last sale the diesel was 132p a litre, and we got 6p off a litre having spent forty quid in the store, At 126p, that ain't half bad.

So tonight its off for another adventure, that the weather don't really bother us a lot. Yesss!

Here's the link to have a nose, Oaklands Auctions - General Auctions and Special Auctions, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

Theres even M/homes, caravans, and trailer tents.

Who knows I may see some of you there, but get there early to park up no later than 10 am.

If you have any other exciting idea's to go away in the van, please share as we haven't done a lot this year, blasted rain.

Uhh ho. Just had a whisper that they've heard about it in Birmingham. They're fed up too?


May see you there one day.

Rgd's graham.
Just had a look. Be interesting to find out what the Transit campervan and the caravans go for. There were also a couple of gennys in the industrial tools for sale.
Looks interesting will they let others overnight there?
That's what I love about having a camper van, just stock it up with food & go off somewhere,

I'm feeling the same, just want to go off on a trip , I was thinking of farnborough airshow, but the weather is a bit hit & miss & I have leak in my desil tank ( this will finally be replaced monday fingers crossed, long story ) so may just hold tight on going away this weekend.

Anyway enjoy your trip sounds like fun !!!
Looks interesting will they let others overnight there?

Hi Morgan, If you give them a ring, I'm sure it will be OK, as friends have done it before.

Say your friends of Graham's.

As you go in park on the left, as it gives others a better chance to park.

At the last auction I picked up 14 tins of roof fibre sealer, fifty pounds a tin plus vat.

Got the lot for 45 quid + comm.

You will need to get a bidders number two quid for the rest of the year.

At the last auction they had a Clarks metalwork lathe, with milling attachment for 350 + comm.

A 7 thousand pound new disabled scooter, reserve 1k, it only fetched 500 pounds and is in again this time around.

These can be seen on the previous view lots page.

Bought a folding caravan for 120 pounds last year. got 720 for it on ebay.

Must admit that this is the only time I have tried it. and shared it with a mate who cleaned it up.

To be honest I booked it at the County motorhome show two weeks ago, for the weekend.

Was OK, but preferred to go to the auction instead. So left at 9..30 Sat morning just as it was opening.

Happy hunting, you will look more like the auction hunters each day. :lol-049:

Rgd's Graham.

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