VW camper wilders

My T5






Going up for sale as a New T5 camper project is soon to begin :)
Trifling inconvenience of not having an engine at the moment, which is making any kind of camping a bit awkward.

Surely no engine is making driving difficult, you could camp just fine!


The old busses do have a certain romance - and I love the stretched one. I need something I can stand up in though :)
I'm a VW T5 camper :) :wave:

Had Tilly in August last year, already converted. We got a Erberspacher heater fitted in December and had a lovely few days in Snowdon over Christmas :)
Love going to the VW shows and campouts and have a few planned for this year already.

french version?

Well, not a VW. Absolutely nothing against them. Indeed, there are many benefits if converting..but for financial reason we went for a Vauxhall Vivaro..which is really a rebadged Renault. Will you let us park up next to you? In your VW. Or should we move to the "visitors" space? 😜

Half way through self build. Insulation, flooring, rock and roll bed, awning all done. Cameras this month and then the power management system...😎

Why would I not want you parking next does it matter what your base vehicle is I like VWs and lucky enough to afford one but at the end of the day it's all about what you enjoy doing with your vehicle,we might meet up one and have a beer cheers.
I've owned T4s for 10 trouble free years. Great vans.
The present van is insulated and fitted with an eberspacher D2 heater so it's comfy for summer and winter.
My daily drive is a VW Touran so you may call me a VW fan.
(07) T30 self build 4 years ago, last night wilding at Nijar Almeria, night before Cabo de gata. Vdubs rock.:have fun:
We have a self build VW swb Crafter


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Surely no engine is making driving difficult, you could camp just fine!

Ah. A year on and the Engine is out again (how can one broken valve have caused so much damage?!?!)

Unfortunately the top half of the engine is in many bits and living in the habitation area. I can't even get to the cupboards.

I have no idea where the bottom half of the engine is, but it's not anywhere in the van :(

The joy of old vans, eh? Anyone want to by a Westfalia caravan?

Here she is in happier times...

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I would love a T25 syncro and have previously owned two T4's the first of which I travelled extensively through Europe in. Biggest mistake I ever made was "upgrading" to a newer T4 ,which was plagued with problems, no where near as well built and that I just couldn't live with after spending an absolute fortune on it. :(
This is our 2009 T5. Started out as a standard panel van last April.
Excepting the glass windows, pop-top roof and fitting the Eberspascher heater, its all my own work :dance: well, I didn't re-upholster the new seats.
Still a few jobs to complete, but its 95% there.
Love the van, and first wild camping trip next week to Scotland, can't wait.

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Hi from the Isle of Wight

We own a T4 our daughter calls strawberry, bought last year and able to go on ferry as a car (red ferries only:boat:) very important when you live on an island as you will find out should you visit our part of the world. It has full Remio conversion and never imagined it would such fun, cant belive we used to have a tent.
Out and about this Easter where ever we decide to drive :wave: VW

Why would I not want you parking next does it matter what your base vehicle is I like VWs and lucky enough to afford one but at the end of the day it's all about what you enjoy doing with your vehicle,we might meet up one and have a beer cheers.

We are based in the north west and mainly visit Snowdonia, Wales in general and Scotland when possible. In Scotland we wild camped for a glorious week long trip and met some great camperfolk. Loved the couple who seemingly took pity on us and invited us for coffee in their 7metre motor home 😎. Looking out over loch morvich on a sunny still morning in September...now that's why we roll.

Still pretty new to it all so not too confident in saying hi..but trying not to appear rude and ignore people...

My tongue in cheek comment more related to VW gathering s where , I believe, the non VWs have to park in the next field.

Not really got enough time for conventions...of any sort..so not a problem for me..and nice to see that here, there is no such segregation...

Anyway, enough wittering. Gotta work for the conversion money. Cameras and head unit are ordered. Power management system identified as has the need for air heater. Should be finishing off the conversion by the end of summer.

Then that beer will be well overdue 😊
2009 VW California SE

I’ve been lurking around this forum for while. I’ve recently separated so I’ve signed over the family house to my wife and daughter - no point in fighting and losing money over an acrimonious divorce,,, I’m now living full-time in my 2009 VW California SE (Caduceus) - for almost a year now.

People seem to feel sorry for me but I’m actually loving it and saving a bomb. They think I’m doing it out of necessity, but I’m actually doing it out of choice. I work full time so during the week I only use it for sleeping, dropping my daughter from the family home to school and commuting to work. Although, sometimes I use it as an office and work from the van… I’m a Technical Author so I just need a laptop and somewhere to park with 4G network.

The dry cleaners clean and iron my shirts, I’m a member of a gym so I keep fit and clean. I only need to stay at campsites occasionally.

On my days off I use it to cruse around the UK and Europe; occasionally taking the ex-wife and daughter along with me.

I’ve given away most of my possessions, mostly wild camp and I’m loving the freedom.
Some interesting stories here we ave just sold a 2015 Bailey motorhome which we purchased new and bought a new t5 panel van which our son ( dub-line camper conversions) is assisting with converting to a design by my wife to a camper we went for the hightop roof and U- shaped seating area which converts to a comfy double bed and an oldish caravan have had 4 motorhomes and think this will suit our retirement better
Horses for courses
Us too. A T5 with high top put on. We love it dearly.
It does get a bit chilly in winter tho. Not whilst in bed but in the evening or on a cold day with no sun to warm it up.
Could anyone give any advice on diesel heaters, cost to buy and install and if they are worth it.
We find a little halogen heater fine too but are seldom on hook up and anything else makes too much condensation...
Us too. A T5 with high top put on. We love it dearly.
It does get a bit chilly in winter tho. Not whilst in bed but in the evening or on a cold day with no sun to warm it up.
Could anyone give any advice on diesel heaters, cost to buy and install and if they are worth it.
We find a little halogen heater fine too but are seldom on hook up and anything else makes too much condensation...

We have a Wallas diesel heater cooker yet to be installed but heat narrow boats and cook no problems and an advantage of no gas and no yearly tests will let you know when up and running

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