Vinyl On Bonnet?

Bump. Picked van up last night. Thats Einstien checking it out.
Van roof.jpg
Its because the use water base paints as opossed to the old 2 pack which is banned for veh these days.
It isn't just the vans that had this problem, Maggy's white Fiat 500 has the same peeling on the front, also the clear top coat is peeling off
Oh no, I've a white 500, but the white paint glue is still working.....
Our van, in common with many Fiats, suffers from the non sticky paint on the bonnet so I'm thinking of getting it wrapped just with a single plain colour.

I'd have something with a bit of a pattern but the Boss says no. Anyone had it done? Pics would be nice for a few ideas.


What about a bonnet bra?

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