Vehicle storage spain

I will start near Alicante Airport so you wont have far to go when you fly over i know some one there to ask let me how long you want to park up for. i will start Monday keep an eye on here next week.
thanks ken
lokking at coming over in june and leaving my vehicle for around 3 weeks at a time
We were talking to a guy who owns a cafe in Almerimar a few days ago - he has an RV which he parks in a yard very cheap near there - people we were with were thinking of parking & flying. Cafe was called Leo's Variety Bar (or something similar but the Leo bit is correct) slightly behind one of the Marinas (the furthest sth one). He hasn't room to keep it near his home, and just uses it to have a break now & again up the coast
Coincidently he does a really good English Breakfast - best bacon in the area, as he cures his own bacon & ham. Breakfast is $3.50 with vip card (just tell him someone told you to go)
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Didn't know Leo owned an RV? Perhaps I've missunderstood your post.
I know he owns a launderette and a fish and chip closeby to Leo's Bar.
All the services a wild camper needs!
Snag is, in the winter he opens his businesses as and when he feels like it.
Didn't know Leo owned an RV? Perhaps I've missunderstood your post.
I know he owns a launderette and a fish and chip closeby to Leo's Bar.
All the services a wild camper needs!
Snag is, in the winter he opens his businesses as and when he feels like it.

That's the same person. (his name is not actually Leo, but I can't remember what it is). Don't know about winter opening - but he seems to be opening regularly now. He uses rv to take a breaks himself.

The people we were with were talking about parking theirs up instead of driving home. Wasn't really of interest to us, but as someone was asking re parking I thought I would mention it.
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Also there are companies near airports that let you store you car for a fee , anyone got any experience of these and any other advice welcome.
Kind regards

Most of the airport parking style places are expensive, but there are some long term cheaper ones specializing in caravans and MHs. Before leaving your vehicle, Google the place to see if anyone has complained about them. There are stories (perhaps apocryphal, perhaps not) of places that will swap tyres on your MH, or otherwise take advantage of you.

I left my van at Eurodog - yes they look after campers and dogs near Malaga last winter. English run and friendly. Rob got up at 4am to drive me to the airport.

Tell us where you would like to store your camper and we might have suggestions.


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