USA with dogs

Sharpie ... you are not going down well on this forum I suspect. I will put this latest outburst down to New Years Eve and the demon drink.

Opinions are like ar****les, everyone has one but you don't shove them down peoples throats (yes, a mixed metaphor).

Happy New Year.

Ok , another snarky commentard contributing nothing. Either engage in the discussion politely and intelligently, as I try to do, or ignore it. As for your vitriol, you know nothing about me, nor my drinking habits. But you reveal yourself publicly and it's not pleasant Good day to you.
Yet again you have avoided answering my questions and diversified with a obvious dislike for the Ncc as topical as it is

Static / caravan motor caravan experience as such is immaterial I have worked extensively on all three more importantly all use lpg and for the purposes of qualifications all three fall under the scope of LAV module .statics and domestic log installation you do need to hold qualification. In addition I maybe work in torr because as part of my cv I hold a category 1 certificate in the safe handling of gases fgas . Both lpg and fgas have required working assessment ..that you follow and understand rules.

You again failed to read my comments on Ecv accurately I never said appliance isolation valves albeit in practice invaluable I am suggesting as the diagram suggests a quarter turn drop handle on the main feed pipe. As this iis a requirement on multi bottle bulk tanks the logical conclusion is it is acceptable on vehicle tanks and you will find the arrangement on many tourers ... In reality a call to the people in Thirsk would perhaps confirm one way or the other they fit the tanks and have an excellent rep on here though I haven't had personal dealing

You make interesting observation re the Ncc ,but don't forget many manufacturers are members. I personally have little time for them as do some quality systems like iso en 9002
Channa, I've had dealings with them peope in thirsk, excellent knowledge they have...
My dogs on the otherhand have no idea how they get to the usa.

Ps, glad I didn't start this thread.
My apologies to all for taking this thread off topic. I'll try not to let it happen again.

Channa and I were engaged in a quite different discussion on another thread about accessing the shut off valve of an underslung LPG tank prior to entering Eurotunnel. For which Gasit can supply a solenoid valve alternative.

And another thread about the performance (take off rate) of propane cylinders in extreme cold.

Sorry for allowing this to derail this thread.

My post on this thread was simply intended as a small heads-up that in the US propane is used at 26 mbar pressure, considerably lower than our 30 mbar standard, So if finding it necessary to use a US regulator, e.g. if yours failed over there, there might be a performance issue.

Thats all.

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