OK. but do you trust these things to deliver an accurate pressure measurement ? How good are they ?
I use a traditional round dial gauge that was once calibrated for motorsport use, that's my reference. Cheap digital gauges can be way off by comparison. Despite resolving to 0.1 PSI, now that's a joke.
Interestingly the simple ones that blow out a plunger against spring pressure are usually spot-on, these are what I recommend if you don't have something better. Not a cheap digital one. Finding one that covers the range for truck tyres is difficult but they do exist. The thing is, each time you check pressure you lose a little air as the gauge seats, unless you have a good one like mine. so that has to be put back in periodically. At >60 psi that requires a good compressor (a car one won't even start against 60 psi back pressure), or a bicycle stirrup pump, that will keep you fit.
And the cheap digital ones drift with temperature.
So how good are these things really ? Please could someone swap them about between wheels and see if each delivers the same measurement as the previous one, and whether that corresponds with a known-good gauge. I'm not expecting perfection but it would be interesting to know.
Presumably once you have fitted these things you just trust them and never bother again to check your tyres the usual way. That's tempting.
I don't want a fancy display telling me all sorts of things that may or may not be real, and to constantly scan and obsess over them. Just a bong and a light to tell me that something might be going wrong. I've seen some vans rigged up with so much stuff that they look more like an aircraft cockpit. And the electrics more like a ship's engine room incompetently done, you name it they've fitted it
I really like to keep systems on my camper as simple as possible.
Still hovering.