Two questions about France.


What is the French for brake fluid and who's nicked all the bog seats? I noticed and alarming tendency for my brake pedal to go right down before suddenly stopping us yesterday and have yet to find a toilet with a seat outside of a supermarket or cafe.
liquide des freins is brake fluid ,and i don't think the bog seat really caught on in france,bit unhygienic
Don't know the first one,but it's quite common for there to be no bog seats in France :scared:
I don't think the French take the paper with them to the loo and get settled down for good read so they don't need a comfortable seat.
You are lucky to have somewhere to sit and not just a hole and 2 handles!!!

Many years ago when camping in france my dad was 'using' one of these types and heard something metal drop from his pocket and disappear down the hole! :eek: Panic set in as he thought it was the only set of car keys but in fact it was his metal comb :lol-061::lol-061:

Been there, seen one of those, but not used it

On the car park for Crecy battlefield.
Very liberal the French...

The gents toilets and showers have been closed for cleaning all afternoon, so the men are using the ladies, much to my wife's horror, who said 'I hope they aren't peeing on the seats.'
there was a time when the toilets only had a low wall seperating the gents from the ladies you could hold hands and s---.
also the gents urinal could look like a bus stop .every one walked through it . even stopped to chat if it was raining as there may have been a roof .
only uk is worried about toilets .why?
showers on campsites etc were very often communal. just get washed and go is the way.
I remember toilets like that in Holland 40 odd years ago.

There is a site in the Black Mountains i use occasionally belonging to a pub. There is one shower and three Dutch girls were there once when I was camping there. I was half way through a conversation with someone when over his shoulder I saw one of the girls walk out of the shower naked and back to the tent, making it difficult to concentrate. What seems odd in the UK is normal abroad.

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