True or False


I asked under the FoI for details of the enormous number of complaints the council had received in the three years prior to my request. The council acknowledged and told me that they were entitled to up to 20 working days to answer me. The twenty working days came and went and no reply. I sent Reminder No 1 – no acknowledgement and no reply. And the same for Reminder No 2. Reminder No 3 was a little more assertive but I did get a reply that my request was being attended to. Reminder No 4 was not really a reminder; I told them I'd asked the Information Commissioner to remind the council of its statutory duties.

I received details of the enormous number of complaints a few minutes ago. There were five.

One is dated 20th June and is therefore a complaint made after my request, after the issue was made public and after the assertion of an enormous numher of complaints. I can ignore that one for the time being – it could well have been a response to the outrage the council is attempting to create rather than a genuine complaint.

But, anyway, there are still four - and that's more than most councils receive. Mostly there are none.

All four (or five) are articulate and plausible and on the same lines as this one below. So, we can get the idea that it's our discharge of rubbish that's the problem. As always.

Apart from the complaint which was only made weeks after the council began its campaign, none are dated. I have no idea when the complaints were made. For all I know they could have been made up in the weeks since my request. I've asked for the dates.

I've been invited to talk by telephone with a senior council employee.

But situation is normal. Council alleges enormous number of complaints – FoI says four.


Or maybe just leave the toilets open overnight, that doesn't sound too expensive.
Then you would have only seringes and willy boots to pick up,people will always be a problem which is hard to solve.

Ironically I visited Filey on Tuesday, 7 pm ish went down to cobble landing and lots of people, council had closed the toilets....Do people have no need to answer the call of nature after 7 pm ? Where are they going ?

When treating the general population in this manner odds of wilders getting facilities seems remote

Luckily there are still some parts of the country where people are happy to leave wild campers alone.

Man 'lay dead in tent for a year' near Weston-super-Mare - BBC News

True, I do find it a sad indictment of our society though someone can go missing for over 12 months un noticed. I think his circumstances significantly different to wild camping.

There are of courses instances people don't want to be found, When I was full timing I bumped into a few folk who chose social isolation for some reason I don't think all were axe murderers on the run from the law, but almost all came with a story matrimonial collapse, chasing a dream etc

Ones I have called at have been free but that was only emptying cassette and taking on water, I have used small sites without showers etc. Unless this has come in since First bank holiday in May which was last time I did it. At that price you may as well stay the night on a lot of the small sites anyway haha
This charge has been there for several years
Ironically I visited Filey on Tuesday, 7 pm ish went down to cobble landing and lots of people, council had closed the toilets....Do people have no need to answer the call of nature after 7 pm ? Where are they going ?

When treating the general population in this manner odds of wilders getting facilities seems remote


Over the last few years lots of toilets in Cornwall have been closed, they have no respect for the main source of income, take the money and run.
The general public couldn't care less ,it's a few motorhome owners who have nothing better to do that moan about a perceived problem in their own mind.:banana:

From my reading of comments on these issues on M/home sites/forums;
Paradoxically the people most likely to complain about other motorhome owners, are certain
sections of the campsite m/homer fraternity themselves, who actively search for any excuse to
denigrate those that have the temerity to wildcamp, or that fits their FLT Free Loading Tosser

They just cannot entertain the thought that someone is "getting away with something" particularly
something for which they themselves have chosen to pay for. What better way or easier way to get even,
and make things difficult, than to point out sanitary indiscretions whether real or imagined to the all too
willingly attentive campsite owners. And he hears just what he wants to hear before he approaches the L.A.

This is not to say there aren't some irresponsible wilders and FLTs out there of course, just pointing
out a disproportionate representation of moaners as compared to the general public are to be found in our
own ranks as it were, known as the TBs (Treacherous Basturds);)
From my reading of comments on these issues on M/home sites/forums;
Paradoxically the people most likely to complain about other motorhome owners, are certain
sections of the campsite m/homer fraternity themselves, who actively search for any excuse to
denigrate those that have the temerity to wildcamp, or that fits their FLT Free Loading Tosser

They just cannot entertain the thought that someone is "getting away with something" particularly
something for which they themselves have chosen to pay for. What better way or easier way to get even,
and make things difficult, than to point out sanitary indiscretions whether real or imagined to the all too
willingly attentive campsite owners. And he hears just what he wants to hear before he approaches the L.A.

This is not to say there aren't some irresponsible wilders and FLTs out there of course, just pointing
out a disproportionate representation of moaners as compared to the general public are to be found in our
own ranks as it were, known as the TBs (Treacherous Basturds);)

A human trait Byronic ? I see exactly the same paradox in some of the disability groups I am part of ...normally relating to peoples disability benefits

False – it's always false. It always has been. If true then this is a first.

No evidence from the one witness – who happens to earn her living from providing facilities for such as we.. Cllr Griffiths has claimed to have received an enormous number of complaints. I'd bet – if someone was to ask the council under the FoI – that the council has no details of the enormous number. I'd win my bet – I'd bet on that.

We have a problem, have we? Then fix it. But no; there is never any effort to fix it. And here it is an easy fix. Upgrade the toilets already on site. But ... ban motorhomes. Banning is the act of a weak individual who is failing to address the real issues, Or the act of someone who has something to gain.

And then … why is there never a burden of proof on the accuser? The assumption here is of guilt; where is our guarantee of innocence until someone provides acceptable proof of guilt.

The beach was awarded blue flag status on 28th May 2018 or, at least, reported on that date. Eight beaches retain Blue Flags | News | Cambrian News

Hardly a long term problem then – only three weeks since the beach was pristine.

It is never the minority spoiling things for the rest of us; it is the rest of us spoiling it for all by allowing bans to happen.

FALSE - it's always false. And this council is no exception.

The details of complaints now given to me have now been dated. They are: Two on 1st June 2018, one on 6th June 2018, one on 15th June 2018 and one on 20th June 2018. So there were NO complaints in the three years up to the publication in the Cambrian News that there was an "enormous amount of complaints". There were none before the council began its campaign to cause outrage where none existed before.

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