True or False

If true, they should have taken photo or, better still, a video of offender. You’re not telling me that a business owner or a councillor doesn’t own a decent mobile nowadays. Plus if it’s true offenders are dirty bar stewards and should be ashamed - no excuses.
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Depends what you put into your loo!
This has been discussed over many years.
And subject to many antidotal stories.
Would you be upset if it was just pee?

Yes it would upset me - it stinks and leaves a stink - maybe you’ve no sense of smell!
We all know what the smell of stale urine is like when it’s in quantity. Sorry it’s out of order. Maybe exception in middle of nowhere and least dig a hole to drop it in and cover it up.
Countless creatures crap & pee on grass, countless creatures die and rot on grass, grass gets cut and rots, BUT, don't ever ever put some dirty water on it. The earth will die and we will become extinct.:scared:
Countless creatures crap & pee on grass, countless creatures die and rot on grass, grass gets cut and rots, BUT, don't ever ever put some dirty water on it. The earth will die and we will become extinct.:scared:

I know what you are saying ,but i have seen this in car parks,looks disgusting and stinks to high heaven on a warm day,would you like it splattered on you lawn.:scared:
I know what you are saying ,but i have seen this in car parks,looks disgusting and stinks to high heaven on a warm day,would you like it splattered on you lawn.:scared:

As long as the food is wiped off the plates and pans and it is just grey water I really wouldn't mind it on my lawn, particularly now as the lawn is parched. At Rutland Water they allow grey waste to be emptied where you park, no smell, no mess and no mutant plants growing. Anyone who allows food down there waste are nitwits, it is that that causes the worse stink, beside clogging up the pipes.
It’s not hard to ensure grey waste is just dirty water, if that’s done then grass or hedge is ideal, stops it drying out if anything. Wildebus just did a post showing how easy it is to filter if you can’t wipe/remove scraps before washing. Grey shouldn’t be a problem so long as folks are considerate.

Black waste and cassettes are though and not sure why, anyone who joins C&CC can call on any C&CC site to empty out and get clean water for free, I believe there is a similar thing with C&MC but costs a fiver but you get other benefits. Either do that or book an a camp site for a day if necessary and do it properly if there are no public facilities available.
Black waste and cassettes are though and not sure why, anyone who joins C&CC can call on any C&CC site to empty out and get clean water for free, I believe there is a similar thing with C&MC but costs a fiver but you get other benefits. Either do that or book an a camp site for a day if necessary and do it properly if there are no public facilities available.

Sorry to disappoint you Service Stop-Off Points - The Camping and Caravanning Club
£7.30 :scared::scared::scared::scared: That's one hell of an expensive dump!
How large are everyone’s sink drain holes to allow all this food waste to go down them. All that manages to go down mine is some crumbs and the odd grain of rice. When I empty my tank I have yet to spot all this food waste I keep hearing about and I have now been full timing for 3 years so. I do not wipe plates before washing as personally I feel it another waste of resources so why do I not have all this stuff in my tank
How large are everyone’s sink drain holes to allow all this food waste to go down them. All that manages to go down mine is some crumbs and the odd grain of rice. When I empty my tank I have yet to spot all this food waste I keep hearing about and I have now been full timing for 3 years so. I do not wipe plates before washing as personally I feel it another waste of resources so why do I not have all this stuff in my tank

You've got rats !
Lol. Is that what all those noises are in the night. They must be some size rats for me to confuse it with the husbands snoring
What ever your caught dumping does the community no good even if its clear drinking water the anti motor home loby will call it s##t
What ever your caught dumping does the community no good even if its clear drinking water the anti motor home loby will call it s##t

Well said - and that’s what the big problem is. The general public probably aren’t even aware that MHs have their own toilets and can carry their own waste so far everyone with the same brush.
False – it's always false. It always has been. If true then this is a first.

No evidence from the one witness – who happens to earn her living from providing facilities for such as we.. Cllr Griffiths has claimed to have received an enormous number of complaints. I'd bet – if someone was to ask the council under the FoI – that the council has no details of the enormous number. I'd win my bet – I'd bet on that.

We have a problem, have we? Then fix it. But no; there is never any effort to fix it. And here it is an easy fix. Upgrade the toilets already on site. But ... ban motorhomes. Banning is the act of a weak individual who is failing to address the real issues, Or the act of someone who has something to gain.

And then … why is there never a burden of proof on the accuser? The assumption here is of guilt; where is our guarantee of innocence until someone provides acceptable proof of guilt.

The beach was awarded blue flag status on 28th May 2018 or, at least, reported on that date. Eight beaches retain Blue Flags | News | Cambrian News

Hardly a long term problem then – only three weeks since the beach was pristine.

It is never the minority spoiling things for the rest of us; it is the rest of us spoiling it for all by allowing bans to happen.

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