Top take away.


Full Member
What is your TOP take away from your travels? Is it people, scenery, experiences?

Try to keep it to just one thing for now.

Mine is people we have met and the 'connection' I /we have felt, even though we are complete strangers.
Little acts of kindness. For example, we were on a site in Germany last year to catch up on laundry etc. The couple on the pitch next to us, with a car and caravan, said it was obviously easier to go to the supermarket in the car than the motorhome, so they were going later if either of us would like a lift there and back to stock up.
Little acts of kindness. For example, we were on a site in Germany last year to catch up on laundry etc. The couple on the pitch next to us, with a car and caravan, said it was obviously easier to go to the supermarket in the car than the motorhome, so they were going later if either of us would like a lift there and back to stock up.
Totally agree.
It's happened so many times. During our travels.
I was going to say a Chicken Tikka Ceylon in Bridport but I see I got the wrong end of the stick. 😁

Too many to list of all three really, people, experiences and scenery. Going swimming in lake Annecy drunk at 1am on Bastille day, fireworks and a brilliant atmosphere, doing the three biggest cols and Cirques in the Pyrenees in one day on the bike, kayaking down the Ardeche and the Verdon Gorges or wilding 5000ft up in the Alps listening to wolves howling at midnight were all pretty special but so was watching Dolphins and a massive Basking Shark from the van on the isle of Arran.

A whole village in the south of France once came out to greet us when we were the first visitors to their new Aire. 😁
The peace, quiet and amazing scenery we achieve when high up in the Pyrenees at one particular spot we found that we have never divulged and never will.

In all the years we`ve been going there we`ve been the only ones there apart from the local Pottok :cool:
The peace, quiet and amazing scenery we achieve when high up in the Pyrenees at one particular spot we found that we have never divulged and never will.

In all the years we`ve been going there we`ve been the only ones there apart from the local Pottok :cool:

Ooooh! What will it take to prize that one out of you. The Pyrenees is one of my favourite places on the planet. I'm sure I'll have a trade when we finally get back there next year. 😁
A person we met in a small town in NZ left a huge impression on me.
He was sexually abused by his father and at boarding school by teachers and older boys, this was in the 1960's. Boarding schools are very common in NZ due to the many isolated communities.
Anyway, this lad ran away at the age of 13, stowed away on 3 ships and ended up in China. He lived on the streets for about a year, begging and stealing for food.
He was then taken in by Buddhist monks, put to work and he was taught Buddhism.
He returned to NZ aged 21 and did various jobs until he eventually earned enough money to buy a plot of land which he turned into a campsite, which is where we met him.
He grew fruit and veg that was free to take on the understanding that you would give something back, like a small chore.

Over the course of the 3 days we stayed there we chatted with him each day and he came across as a really lovely, mild mannered and thoughtful person. Just a spot on guy!

The last day there he told us his life story.

When he finished he said "you are the only people I have ever told about my life and I don't why I have just told you, perhaps the time is right and we are connected in a spiritual or metaphysical bond."
I'm not religious in any shape or form but I have to agree with him that we bonded on some level or other.
I feel honoured that he felt able to tell us his story and hope that any negative thoughts about his past have been eased.

The above was in 2016 btw. We made a point of seeking him out in 2022, unfortunately he had closed the campsite just 2 weeks previously and we couldn't find his whereabouts. Shame but perhaps it wasn't meant to be?

Just one of many interesting people we have met along the way.
The peace, quiet and amazing scenery we achieve when high up in the Pyrenees at one particular spot we found that we have never divulged and never will.

In all the years we`ve been going there we`ve been the only ones there apart from the local Pottok :cool:
Easy to work out! Just above your pyr'o' feet ... :ROFLMAO:

The people we meet, often sharing the scenery, and the wonder of nature, that prompts the start of a conversation

Whale watching on a rocky promontory at Hermanus on a Saturday afternoon, as the daylight began to fade. Everybody crammed together, and, as if they were waiting to perform their finale, 3 whales in succession swam at speed towards the rock and breached. Everyone wanted to ask the person next to them whether they had seen that [how could they have missed it, but it was more exclamation than question]

Easy to work out! Just above your pyr'o' feet ... :ROFLMAO:


one thing i've never seen mentioned , is being foreign ,and being british . of course this was years ago .but we were hardly ever asked for vehicle papers ,just the green card and passport, most border guards just waved us through .i think we were just too much effort for the average cop
one thing i've never seen mentioned , is being foreign ,and being british . of course this was years ago .but we were hardly ever asked for vehicle papers ,just the green card and passport, most border guards just waved us through .i think we were just too much effort for the average cop
Post 1973, Freedom of Movement applied, so Border Guards had no reason for detailed checks; Passport [nominal] checks made, up until we bade Europe, 'Adieu' ...

as above it is the unsolicited help & assistance in all travelling whether it be portugal germany spain or even france lots of people always offer to help and i do try & return the favour
Of course the views and fun are all good, but top must be people, either just random piss ups or more important acts of kindness.
My earliest memory of which is way back in the mid/late 60's when me old mans VW broke down on a German M way. Couple pulled up and towed us to a garage. They only asked me dad to pull over and help someone in need in the future. Have never forgotten that, in fact I remember it every time I drive passed someone who need assistance. 😛 🙃
Of course the views and fun are all good, but top must be people, either just random piss ups or more important acts of kindness.
My earliest memory of which is way back in the mid/late 60's when me old mans VW broke down on a German M way. Couple pulled up and towed us to a garage. They only asked me dad to pull over and help someone in need in the future. Have never forgotten that, in fact I remember it every time I drive passed someone who need assistance. 😛 🙃
that's the spirit - and a cheerul wave and smile as you fly past surely helps them keep their pecker up
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Of course the views and fun are all good, but top must be people, either just random piss ups or more important acts of kindness.
My earliest memory of which is way back in the mid/late 60's when me old mans VW broke down on a German M way. Couple pulled up and towed us to a garage. They only asked me dad to pull over and help someone in need in the future. Have never forgotten that, in fact I remember it every time I drive passed someone who need assistance. 😛 🙃

I always stop and help maidens in distress on the road. Sometimes I even stop when they are not in distress "just in case" 😁 blokes can wait for the AA.

I just read that back. Does it sound a bit serial killerish? 🤣