Toll Prices


Full Member
Hi, information please, we are thinking of using the A63 from Bordeaux to the Spanish border, as we havent used this route since they made the old N10 into the toll road, we did wonder what the toll price is as of today, is a motorhome classed as a car or have we been put into the higher bracket ie. wagons etc..
The other route that we have looked at is the Bordeaux, Langon to Mont de Marsan and then Behobia on the border.
Many thanks in advance for any information.
We came back that way last year from San Sebastian, the missus kept a log of the payments, the total....26euros
I was charged 80+ euro's on that feckin road, the wee French effeminate fecker in the booth said we registered as a truck because of the tag axle, I refused to pay and demanded to see the boss man, the boss man appeared ( she was a wee lassie) and agreed with the wee girl/boy , I told the wee fucker if he had put as much effort into stopping the Germans invading their country there would be less wee Frenchies goose stepping about the kip. That brought on the rage and talk of the gendarme, so mrs seamus paid the toll and all was well.
Does height come into pricing on toll rds

If you are in a vehicle above 3m high you will be classified as class 3 for which the fees are around 80% higher than those for class 2!! :rolleyes2:Something to think about if you carry gear on the roof or are considering roof fitted accessories.

Also remember national speed limits this year on N roads are being reduced in France by 10km to 80km or 50mph which will be rigorously enforced by the gendarmes with on the spot fines of £640.
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If you are in a vehicle above 3m high you will be classified as class 3 for which the fees are around 80% higher than those for class 2!! :rolleyes2:Something to think about if you carry gear on the roof or are considering roof fitted accessories.

Also remember national speed limits this year on N roads are being reduced in France by 10km to 80km or 50mph which will be rigorously enforced by the gendarmes with on the spot fines of £640.

That's us buggered, Autotrails stand at 3.1M, I have found that if we go through the automatic booths it was expensive, but cheaper in the manned booths, so we were charged as a commercial in the auto booths but a MH in the manned.

By Automatic I meant unmanned.
Hi, many thanks for all your replies, did notice the alterations to the speed limit, I supose thats one way of getting more motors onto the toll roads, trust the frogs to think up that one.
Once again many thanks for all your help.
I was charged 80+ euro's on that feckin road, the wee French effeminate fecker in the booth said we registered as a truck because of the tag axle, I refused to pay and demanded to see the boss man, the boss man appeared ( she was a wee lassie) and agreed with the wee girl/boy , I told the wee fucker if he had put as much effort into stopping the Germans invading their country there would be less wee Frenchies goose stepping about the kip. That brought on the rage and talk of the gendarme, so mrs seamus paid the toll and all was well.

On your holidays from your job at the Diplomatic Corps ?
I guess

On your holidays from your job at the Diplomatic Corps ?

The French Foreign Legion is not for you

Although Legionnaires disease might suit "Les Deux Amis".

I am always wary of how MoHo's are charged and have only used toll roads once on our first trip to Paris
Went the long way round on the way home.
Toured France 2x since and did not use any toll roads.
However we have time..Others do not have that luxury.
We plan France/Switzerland/Italy later this year I will try to avoid the X-border tunnels but we shall see
The Car train/tunnel from Kandersteg or Brig to Italy may feature as it saves fuel and maybe closed passes
I was charged 80+ euro's on that feckin road, the wee French effeminate fecker in the booth said we registered as a truck because of the tag axle, I refused to pay and demanded to see the boss man, the boss man appeared ( she was a wee lassie) and agreed with the wee girl/boy , I told the wee fucker if he had put as much effort into stopping the Germans invading their country there would be less wee Frenchies goose stepping about the kip. That brought on the rage and talk of the gendarme, so mrs seamus paid the toll and all was well.
Brits abroad. Don't you love em
As of end of March 2017. Heading north on what was the RN 10 now upgraded
and redesignated as toll A63. Toll free of course around and some way beyond Bordeaux.
Class 2. Sometimes flags up as Class 3. A complaint into the speaker at the booth gets it remedied. I'm 2.940m height. 6.6t. Twin wheel rear axle. Worth a
try if you are just over 3m and state that you're a camping car.

1st section entree Biriatou sortie St Jean Luz 2,60 €
2nd section entree LA Negresse sortie Bayonne. 3,50€
3rd section entree Benesse sortie Geoursmarenne 5,50€
4th section entree Castest? sortie Muret? 5,40€
5th section entree Muret? sortie 5,40€

So total is 22,40€ always in the New Year there's a 5% to 10%
price hike not consistently so because toll sections are rununder various
I also take one section on the Spanish side of the border on the AP8.
Worth it to me to get around San Sebastian. 4.23€, March 2017.
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If you are in a vehicle above 3m high you will be classified as class 3 for which the fees are around 80% higher than those for class 2!! :rolleyes2:Something to think about if you carry gear on the roof or are considering roof fitted accessories.

Also remember national speed limits this year on N roads are being reduced in France by 10km to 80km or 50mph which will be rigorously enforced by the gendarmes with on the spot fines of £640.
I have a Rapido with Camus dome giving a height of 3.24m. Also use a Sanef transponder but never been charged higher then class 2
The French Foreign Legion is not for you

Although Legionnaires disease might suit "Les Deux Amis".

I am always wary of how MoHo's are charged and have only used toll roads once on our first trip to Paris
Went the long way round on the way home.
Toured France 2x since and did not use any toll roads.
However we have time..Others do not have that luxury.
We plan France/Switzerland/Italy later this year I will try to avoid the X-border tunnels but we shall see
The Car train/tunnel from Kandersteg or Brig to Italy may feature as it saves fuel and maybe closed passes

We are planning same trip next year so would be very interested in your travels

We are now in Spain through France and San Sebastion.No tolls just about 3.5 hrs longer than toll roads.No rush for us and because we are 3 mtr + dome and 5.5 ton we saved best part of £200.Covered the fuel.
Joined the toll road on the junction before Beyond and left it once across the boarder, cost €7. 30!
Could have been less if I had taken the ticket on the French\ Spanish boarder crossing!! :scared:
We are now in Spain through France and San Sebastion.No tolls just about 3.5 hrs longer than toll roads.No rush for us and because we are 3 mtr + dome and 5.5 ton we saved best part of £200.Covered the fuel.

Although the OP was enquiring of the cost of tolls on the section of road which
was the free RN 10 and is now upgraded to A63 toll. Because this toll section
starts at Le Muret that's the last place you can decide to divert and go via Mont
de Marsan or the near coast road the D652, both involve extra mileage, and if intending to go over the border at Irun and staying toll free that means going through Bayonne and Biarritz for a saving of less than 25€.
Troll charges

Go to Norway
Trip Trap Trip Trap etc
Short Ferries about £20 no alternative

NOT complaining Norway etc is great
Lots of free camping
We spent no more going to Nordkapp and back in 2016
Than we did in UK and ROI in 2017
and lots more miles

We even found a TROLL 100_2325.jpg

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