i am going to tour europe for a year mainly wild camp where possible/and safe to do so, I have a hymer b654 timeline, end bed, i doesn't have a big payload as its single rear axle, i have it on air bags but this doesnt alter payload allowance just rides better and fools the customs when looking for saggy rear springs for a heavy load of wine and booze, for more space and comfort and well more of everything , i am considering an rv, up to now i have worked out that it will need to be a petrol on lpg gas, what i need to know , is there any reliable figures for fuel/lpg consumption from anyone who is using one as opposed to trying to sell one with inflated figures? what are the other down sides to and rv for this type of journey? ie site access/ refusal based on size weight? road tolls? size and width in small towns ? and any thing else you may have encountered on the way? availabilty of lpg on the road etc?