Thought for the day (back by request from Scampa)

Friday 23 March - Thought for the day

No matter how often a lie is shown to be false, there will remain a percentage of people who believe it to be true.
do we believe what the goverment tell us and do we believe in what they say is at area 51 do we bo********** think that was thought up by a member of parliment
It worked for Tony Bliar... he even won an election after lying about the reasons for war. A true master of deceit with oratory to match.
there you go perfect examplle it was a politician that wrote or his spin doctor they are the only people i know with some many words for black well it a dark grey, no it a deep blue. no it a coulour with all the white removed it is still black at theend of the day nice one firefox
Just come across this as I'm reading Raymond Chandler's 'Farewell My Lovely':
"The pursuit of knowledge brother, is the askin' of many questions".
I thought it fitted this website perfectly.
Saturday 24 March - Thought for the day

The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out (Chinese proverb)
Sunday 25 March - Thought for the day Sunday Special

In view of Phil's recent thread, Why do we do it?, and due to the fact that it's a lovely warm spring day and I'm off for my first proper overnight wild camp in the BWV in a minute...

“The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” (Thucydides, Ancient Greek historian and author, 460-404 BC
so say what you think think what you say have nice time rigg ,you take wvw for a nice stroll and dont snore to loud because you only get shouted at.Make sure that tennis ball is packed where you can find it .
Hope you and Rigg found both happiness and freedom. It's late and I messed that up.
Tuesday 27 March - Thought for the day

Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Wednesday 28 March - thought for the day

When you choose the lesser of two evils, always remember that it is still an evil.
Thursday 29 March - Thought for the day

It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.

(posted late due to a busy day yesterday and forum being offline :-()
Friday 30 March - thought for the day

One's freedom stops where someone else's begins (Rousseau)
Is it possible to help someone discover your good or even bad qualities :D ? Surely people just be and do for the most part.

Though the sketches of Nicey and Smashy, Harry Enfield/Whitehouse, the two DJ's (I do a lot of work for charity, mate) do come to mind!
Saturday 21 March - Thought for the day

Sorry it's late today, another busy day - making curtains for the van, but here it is...

The only substitute for good manners is fast reflexes

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