This is the first time I have just read through all these threads, I am amazed that the standard of this debate has stayed on a friendly, serious, and informed level.
So often the exchanges here, have descended into a slanging match and the results have been that sadly missed contributors have gone off to pastures new....... a great loss to the forum.
Maybe as the site has matured and the well of advice, help, wit and cameraderie has developed. The spoilers have also left...... I note with glee that a certain few have stopped posting, who took pride in starting a ruccus, have maybe, decided to make mischief elsewhere.
When I joined this site, I just used to download sites, I never got involved in the forum.... then when off on long term sick leave I started to post, went to a meet.... then bigger meets, then suggested meets. In this process I have met people who i now concider to be FRIENDS of the best kind, ones you would hope would be near at a time of need.
This site has brought us together, at Whitehouse Farm there were 16 vans and at the Hayfield opening meet it was like a rally and every man Jack and Gill of um, salt of the earth.
So keep comming you new bloods you are welcome to this place, we will help if we can and if we cant we will hopefully point you yonder to the grail you seek and any morsells you can throw this way we will with a hunger relish, digest and thank.
This is what WILDCAMPING is and has been for me..... and I hope is, or will become to you.