This years upgrades

I would like to go from this one,,,

sommar 2009 011.jpg Van inside.jpg

To this one.


I am an "timeoptimist" but im starting to have my doubts!
If i had get going in last autumn (as i should) or when it was cristmas (as i decided) i could have made it.
But the VW is still around and there is a tent in my garage so there is a plan B.
:have fun:
Just got a few little bits to do, finishing packing the van & book a ferry - gone in the next couple of weeks for 3 months (with a bit of luck) Heading as far as we need to find the sun, and slowly winding our way back when it starts getting too hot - I want to end up going to the Tatra Mountains in Poland. Hopefully we may meet a few of the forum members on our travels :wave:- could do with getting a sticker.
All I plan to do is keep on top of the maintenance, treat a couple of stone chips.

Apart from that just use it as much as possible.
Well if we can help in any way with your requiremenst or if you need any free advice, you are welcome to call my staff and ask.

Just got a few little bits to do, finishing packing the van & book a ferry - gone in the next couple of weeks for 3 months (with a bit of luck) Heading as far as we need to find the sun, and slowly winding our way back when it starts getting too hot - I want to end up going to the Tatra Mountains in Poland. Hopefully we may meet a few of the forum members on our travels :wave:- could do with getting a sticker.

Hi, We were staying in Zakopane excactly 20 years ago, just after the iron curtain went up & went walking in the Tatra mountains, no doubt its changed greatly since.

If you have not visited this area before I can recommend the 13th c Wieliczka salt mine with its full size cathedral several hundred feet underground. 49.982875,20.056238

Also if you are of a certain age group then one of the 20th centuries most important museums / shrines is Auschwitz. 50.028351,19.204119

These are about 45 miles apart just south of Krakow.
Have a great trip
Dezi :pc:
Half way through conversion on the Citroen Relay van that we bought last December. So much to do, what with other things that go wrong and require attention, worst thing is the number of times the parcel services have got me out of bed in the morning delivering parts I have ordered. I am so bloody knackered. Shouldn't be doing this at my age.
We've got a 3 month wait for a complete new n/s panel to be delivered/fitted after a very dangerous Moroccan lorry driver wrecked the one we had. At the moment MH has been emptied and is parked up. We're really p.......d off.
On a lighter note we are going to fit solar panels this year.
Vans in for set of tyres today.
Had the timing belt troubles fixed now and an extra internal 12v socket so all set. Just got to decide where to go?? :cool:
I will be dealing with the rust that 16 year old transits love to collect.
Doing an LED conversion for my external bulbs (except headlamps).
Fixing a slight roof leak I have after my tv Ariel had a fight with a height barrier.
Making silver screens for the rear windows.
Making a new child's roof bed as my daughter is getting to big to sleep width ways.
Changing the prop shaft bearings.
Fixing my poorly diesel pump.
Installing my second inverter properly.
Replacing the pin strips on the van as the are worse for wear now.
fitting the reversing camera i have had for the last six months.
Replacing the starter battery.
fitting a solar panel (maybe).
The camping season has almost arrived and people are starting to prepare their vans for another year of wild camping.

I have a big list of repairs / mods / upgrades that I want to get done to my van this year.

What are you planning on doing?

CD/radio into the rear of the 'van, more leds, upgrade to two leisure batteries .... hoping to fit a swivel passenger seat or base this year.:blah:
I had planned to get a solar panel or two fitted but over the winter repairs and servicing for the van, 2 cars and the scooter has amounted to well over £3000! its just been never ending.

I still want to get it done but it will have to be on the cheap. I cant afford to pay dealer prices so I am hoping I can get a panel or two of Ebay for cheap and find a friendly clever member to help me fit them for a box or two of beer or £50 in the back pocket.

Any offers?
I'm glad I saw that about washing curtains. My van has a curious smell if i leave it closed up for too long and the green velvet curtains from about 1981 are the prime suspects.
Ours had its first service yesterday at Ford main dealers :drive:, Cheaper than Fiat my previous van.

I take it you were at Trentham Lakes? Are you happy with everything and how much?
I ask because I also have changed to a Ford!

Very happy, they also fixed a overhead lamp as a courtesy, that I didn't know wasn't working.

£230 for the service.

Im saving up to fill the fuel tank up!!:(
We have had a few weekends already so as soon as our home is finished were away as many weekends as my salary will take us...:heart:

Was thinking of a tow bar but have been quoted over £1000 for our Compass Drifter 410 on a Peugeot chassis! have to wait quite a while....shame as I like to tow my motorbike on it.

Try Mike Parkinson (no not that Mike Parkinson) at Freckleton just outside Preston, mine cost me about £325 fully fitted to my Peugeot chassie.
It's not that far from Merseyside.
My MH is in the back yard, snowed in for another 5-6 weeks... but spring will be here eventually, and it's time to start planning to get everything done as quickly as possible!

New tyres
Sun block curtains (we have no A/C)
Disabled toilet (anybody have any ideas??? It needs to be at least 4" higher)
Fix fridge, not working on gas...

After fixing those things I'll be out of money, so another year with no trip to the UK =(
I have washed the curtains and to celebrate this I ripped all the carpet off the floor. It was a kind of shag pile and I felt it was prone to damp and smells so I'm replacing it. Can't decide whether it should be Lino, laminate, or cork tiles. Laminate could be great, I fancy an old oak look but fitting is a bit tricky as I would be boxing in the bottom of the fridge and the gas heater so it would be hard to get them out if they need fixing, so perhaps not my best plan. It was half carpet, half Lino but I would prefer to redo the whole floor in the same kind of whatever. The Lino that is fitted is a kind of plasticky kind that get very slippery at the nearest hint of water. I like the idea of stained cork but are Motorhomes a bit too damp for cork tiles?
Advice sought ASAP.
Laminate floor can be quite heavy, we have used that heavy duty ribbed carpet that is used in door wells and entry to office buildings, we used black but there are other shades, brought it off the roll from carpet shop, this doesn't fray on the ends and doesn't need binding. I just roll it up and take it out side to vacuum.

this years upgrades

I think artheyrate needs to think of something quick, like how to run his camper on something cheap and plentiful like dog poo,cos looking at the list of improvements he's carried out he's either run out of cash co-
-mpletely and the van is gonna stay parked up in the drive for the coming season,or he's had the six numbers
up and he's not letting on.:

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