This is too true to be funny

10 years ago, even! The mobile phone is responsible for one of the most profound changes in human social behaviour in such a short space of time. Most teenagers now, if you asked them, would probably say that they simply couldn't imagine life without their phone. I can happily imagine life without mine! When my contract expires in the spring, that's it!

Shame that, MT....passed thru' Reculver today (had to buy a Pint to 'Qualify' as 'Patron' of the Pub & park outside...Height Restriction at P&D carpark by the Tower!!) & could 've done with Your mobile no. to ask You how to find Your park-up spot!!!! :wave:
Shame that, MT....passed thru' Reculver today (had to buy a Pint to 'Qualify' as 'Patron' of the Pub & park outside...Height Restriction at P&D carpark by the Tower!!) & could 've done with Your mobile no. to ask You how to find Your park-up spot!!!! :wave:

Small world! I was in the King Eth yesterday with family, celebrating mum's birthday. Good food it was, too.

Just drive up out of Reculver and keep right at the top of the hill. Go through the mini roundabout, then take your first right into Bishopstone Lane and follow it along to the end.

Hope you found somewhere good anyway. :D
Small world! I was in the King Eth yesterday with family, celebrating mum's birthday. Good food it was, too.

Just drive up out of Reculver and keep right at the top of the hill. Go through the mini roundabout, then take your first right into Bishopstone Lane and follow it along to the end.

Hope you found somewhere good anyway. :D

Thanks for that M8....stored for future ref.!! I'll def. be back in that area some time...Y/Day was last 'whistle-stop' before home run, had the Boys with Us & School Monday night was back in Blighty!
This is truly too true to be funny

Witness this American county judge, dealing with his daughter (who has cerebral palsy)...

Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the internet - YouTube CAUTION: THIS IS GRAPHIC, BUT SADLY IT HAPPENS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.

Yes, let's have a return to that.

Humans are at the top of the food chain. They're the most intelligent species on the planet. They've sent men to the moon. And some of them still think the only way to bring up their kids to behave properly - even if they have disabilities - is to beat them.

Heaven help us.

Quite right, we shouldn't discipline them and we should let them go out and rob and knife people, which is as extreme and silly an argument for not smacking children as your example is for doing it. If you're going to argue intelligently, use intelligent examples, not some one in a million lunatic.

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