Hey Derek I hope to be in your neck of the woods this year sometime,coming to see coldstream guards museum. probably we can sink a few medicines together BAZ.
Thank you all, I was not being bitter or despondant, merely commenting on a particularly bad year that I have personally experienced.
Please feel free to use this as a sounding board for all your bad memories of last year and together we might come out of it feeling a little less fragile than we did previously.
Special thanks for the P.Ms.
Kindest regards, Derek and Wee Burnip.
Thank you and i'm not unhappy now just honoured to have known him for so long, people are the same. We have to keep plodding.
I imagine in time i'll get another Dog and I do have a good anchor point for a Husky
Then I did blub every spare minute for days.
my daughter in laws young brother was killed this week while serving in afganistan. he was 19 yrs old a fine brave handsome lad.
Forget about new year a different day makes no difference, just plod on and be happy when you can. I had to have my dog put down a couple of weeks ago. I've had 15 years of love and happiness with him, wouldn't want to think being miserable would be what he wanted.