Thetford C260 blade wont open


Full Member
Well this has ruined my evening.

Went to the loo and pulled the lever back and it wouldn't open. I noticed though that the lever only goes half way back also. I somehow got the cassette out (it didn't want to come out). Emptied it and tried to put it back in. It goes in but the blade is still shut and wont open inside the van. In the end all I could do was take the cassette out, remove the cover to the cassette, refit it and then manually slide the lever back inside the loo with my hands. :( So now the empty cassette is in and the blade is open but permanently. Obviously this is not ideal as even with the toilet lid down its going to smell but at least we can use it. Its pitch black so that will have to do until the morning but I'm hoping someone will have some pointers as to what we need to do to fix it.

There is definitely something wrong with the lever though as it only goes half way back and forward.
Well this has ruined my evening.

Went to the loo and pulled the lever back and it wouldn't open. I noticed though that the lever only goes half way back also. I somehow got the cassette out (it didn't want to come out). Emptied it and tried to put it back in. It goes in but the blade is still shut and wont open inside the van. In the end all I could do was take the cassette out, remove the cover to the cassette, refit it and then manually slide the lever back inside the loo with my hands. :( So now the empty cassette is in and the blade is open but permanently. Obviously this is not ideal as even with the toilet lid down its going to smell but at least we can use it. Its pitch black so that will have to do until the morning but I'm hoping someone will have some pointers as to what we need to do to fix it.

There is definitely something wrong with the lever though as it only goes half way back and forward.
Check the sliding cover Barry, not the bit that opens and closes when you pull the lever, the cover that goes over that when you remove the cassette
Check the sliding cover Barry, not the bit that opens and closes when you pull the lever, the cover that goes over that when you remove the cassette

I've had to remove that. Its not actually on the cassette at the moment and the internal flap / blade still wont open. I've found this video that suggests its a common problem reading the comments and it suggests adjusting a cog underneath with a screwdriver. Will have a delve tomorrow.

From outside, take the cassette out, still outside, look at the top of where the cassette slides in, there is a gear mechanism which may have come loose, it connects the lever inside to the top of the cassette.

EDIT:- Not seen the vid you posted but that sounds like what I am trying to explain.
Lay off the curries, cassette knew what was coming 😳

On a serious note, if you have silicon spray, copious amounts to the moving parts.
Lay off the curries, cassette knew what was coming 😳

On a serious note, if you have silicon spray, copious amounts to the moving parts.

LOL! You will be impressed to learn that I do have Silicon spray! I used it a week or two ago to sort out a squeaking door. Good stuff. The investigations will commence once I feel suitably awake. :D
LOL! You will be impressed to learn that I do have Silicon spray! I used it a week or two ago to sort out a squeaking door. Good stuff. The investigations will commence once I feel suitably awake. :D
Silicon spray is very good, I always have a tin, along with spray oil too, in the garage. The real + is, when it runs, the silicon does not leave any residual streaks.
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I think it might be the cassette thats knackered. I did find the cog in the video and it wasnt lined up correctly so I undid that and straightened it and tightened it up. However I stupidly thought there was a blade that opens and shuts in the loo unit itself on this one but of course thats not the case. The blade is in the actual Cassette toilet that you remove. I assume this large orange knob turns it open or shut. Anyway its loose. It just spins around so presumably the blade I moved with my fingers last night is disconnected and inside the cassette? I also found a broken bit of plastic but have no idea where that came from.

Would I be correct in deducing I need a new cassette or is it worth trying to remove the whole circular lid and attempting that repair? My gut feeling is not to dick about and just get a new C260. Assuming it is that.

thetford c260 problem.jpg
It is the orange knob that opens and closes the blade. You may as well pull the circular bit out and see if you can fix it, will probably have to wait for a new cassette anyway. Sure I have seen stuff on YouTube for taking that bit out but it’s a different type to mine
I think you can get a replacement for the whole circular bit. We had a replacement ‘Kassettenmechanismus’ sent out from uk to Germany…took a week to arrive. You may get a ‘fresh up kit’ more easily as more stockists have these, it includes a new lid as well…whether you want it or not!
Thanks I have seen the video to replace the big circular bit but it looks tricky. £65 for that or £155 for a whole cassette and seat from the local dealer or £132 from Amazon. I might just take the van to the dealer on Monday as we are moving that day anyway across the road or I could just wing it and go and get one on the bike now. :D Its a big box mind. Wonder if it will fit on the Pillion.
Have this problem quite a bit and usually saved by realigning and tightn8ng the cog on the roof of the cassette housing . If the orange knob is not opening the blade when twisted I think its broke and you will need to replace cassette or at least the lid bit maybe ?
Forgot to say that I have been told cog problem occurs when trying to open blade once toilet sat on as this can distort the plastic mechanism . So now try to open and close when standing . Sometimes difficult to remember when you have had a few
Happened to mine earlier in the year there's a plastic 'pin' that moves the blade that snapped off mine, same model, you can get the mechanism , I've changed them before BUT if yours is as manky looking inside as mine then just get the whole lot and have a fresh start seat 'n all.

Yeah I was thinking about trying a repair but I got "The look". I can understand "The look" in this case (From Mrs D) as right now its usable. If I render it unusable due to a repair fail ill not be popular.

Just so I am absolutely clear though when you rotate that knob in my picture with the cassette on the ground the blade should appear or disappear? Correct?
Yes, when the cassette is in place, that yellow knob sits between two uprights that then will turn the mechanism through 90°. If it spins freely, the cassette mechanism is bust not the bowl lever etc.
BUT if yours is as manky looking inside as mine then just get the whole lot and have a fresh start seat 'n all.
If its manky looking you need to use Lidl Formil after a few months it'll be like new
And for Barry until you get fixed do like the dogs do use a plastic bag an bin it