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Why not rent out your home and then go off in the van?
You wouldn't need to sell everything then and it would give you some income and you'd still have the asset.
I have exactly the same thoughts as you about wanting to just go off, and I daydream about going to live in the van with the dog on a little bit of land with a shed on it for some chickens and maybe the odd sheep or goat or two, ideally down south in France close to the Pyrenees where there's mountains to walk and climb, sunshine in the summer and skiing in the winter. I've got no idea how I would be able to achieve it as all I have is my house, my dog and my vans. The house would be unlikely to sell at the moment, there's neighbours who have had theirs on the market for a couple of years, they are ideal first homes but around here, the average salary is probably only about £12 - £15k for most people and first time buyers just can't get mortgages.
I've thought about renting it out but it's kind of mid-renovation (estate agent speak for needing alot of work!), and only a hardy (or daft!) person would be prepared to live in an unheated house (apart from woodburner stoves downstairs, which although lovely are alot of work) in the middle of nowhere, halfway up the fellside, and I would need to invest some capital (which I don't have) into it to bring it up to required standards for renting. So that leaves me exactly where I've been for the past couple of years since I was made redundant... stuck until the market picks up. Hopefully retraining and now qualified as a trainer will open new career doors for me this year and so financially things will pick up and I can start spending £££ again on the house.
Hopefully in 7 years time, I might have been able to either do it up and rent it or sell it, and really think about emigrating but sadly the dog won't be around so I don't like to think about it and just take things a day at a time and have learned that when an opportunity presents itself, to take it, because they don't come around twice, and I think I'd rather regret something I did instead of regretting something I didn't. And life has a strange way of giving you opportunities when you are really not looking for them.
don't know if its any use to you,best way out of a dilemma is to make a decision,doesn't matter if its the wrong decision,as long as you make one.