itchy feet and the road...
Yes itchy feet,will give it a month or so,before the sand and sea of the Agean methinks,but here locally within 150 ish miles round trip,regularly to get out of the house.
The last week or so,has been blue skies and sun,which is very tempting but still a little cold at night,just checked thermometer,in the shade 10 c and in full sun 30 c ? so i guess,the tele weather report is about right at 16 c,here in Bulgaria.
The snowdrops have been out over 2 weeks,the Daffs and tulips are coming up,and the roses are budding thier leaves,so Spring here is well on the way,can wear a t-shirt outside here,if moving about but forme still a little cold to just sit around in it without a sweatshirt or similar,so busy in the garden if not out in the camper.
Was going to take my neighbour to see his relatives in Greece today (and pop in Lidls)untill he turned up,in his work clothes,swaying about half cut at 8'30 am?? asking to go as he's ready,a weird lot on times these Bulgarians .....