The most useful MUST HAVE tool an owner needs??

Well it really is called by both names and the original was made of duck cloth ! Meaning it was waterproof .
Duct tape is often a different type as used for ventilation and heating .
You also get Duck branded tape
Confused ?
Good me too

Is it the same as gaffer tape used in Gigs etc?
Thanks ducky

Hi Basildog,

Thanks for that I thought it was just Me and age that done it.

Regards Snowbirds.

Well it really is called by both names and the original was made of duck cloth ! Meaning it was waterproof .
Duct tape is often a different type as used for ventilation and heating .
You also get Duck branded tape
Confused ?
Good me too
no .nice looking chick .with a big box of tools in one hand and a big bag of money in the other hand .
hopefully they know how to use the tools .
if not well we can think of other things to do. ha ha .
Well I wouldn't keep a dog and bark myself - and men do so like to feel important!:rolleyes:
we didnt know you were called important.
but we could all feel.
im going know before you shout at me .hee hee
I think in the tool box, you should always carry two condoms.

That way if anything breaks down,

you will always be one jump ahead? :lol-049:
we didnt know you were called important.
but we could all feel.
im going know before you shout at me .hee hee

Just spent a day with 21 little 5 year olds - you can't match them for humour, even if you are on their level! (Only joking, of course)
oh well i,m getting younger .ever one tells me i,m more childish than i used to be .
isnt that the same . hee hee.
i find my axe is a really useful tool good for wood and disposing of hitch eeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrr:ninja:
the wife i find is the more usefull tool as she keeps the mh safe when me and the kids go walking
across the moors she also chips in with the cooking now and again
Gardeners velcro tape for plants dirt cheap in discount shops and invaluable bedding so easy to tidy away with a band round and curtain tie backs I even use it to bundle daughters scooter and the outdoor chairs together in a bundle. The garden variety is thinner and all in one fastening.g to itself and being finer doesn't pick up all the tack the household velcro does but it is equally as strong
my swiss army wife to help push and see me out and to send for help if its dark :p

A sky hook, fourcandles and a flare gun !

Bungees, rope, adjustable spanner,multimeter,bucket,waterproof crawller mat and coat,jump leads,support vehicle,AA details,;)
My must have tool/gadget/instrument is my Sat Nav, best thing I ever bought, Tom Tom, makes travelling Sooooooo easy and stress free.:cool1::cool1:

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