The most useful MUST HAVE tool an owner needs??


Many of us carry a tool box in our MH, the size usually dependant on personal skills.

What do you feel is the No1 tool needed?? (With exception to the std wheel change kit, mind you, some MH's don't even need those as they don't have a spare!!)

I think a digital multimeter is No1, judging by the number of electrical/battery questions that keep cropping up on this site!!
Not exactly a tool, but I always have a bottle of Lavender Oil on me for insect bites, cuts, spots, emergency deodorant, headaches, stressy moments, sunburn, sleeplessness and various other uses. A truly little magic potion.
Has to be the Leatherman, but thats too sensible.

On the lines of Duct tape + WD40 :-

Corkscrew :cheers:

Disinfectant wipes and baby wipes.
towrope ,so friendly farmers can tow you off the wet grass
cake,to have with a nice cup of tea while you wait for one to pass by
Pliers and a hammer :wave:

My Dad used to call a hammer a "Birmingham Screwdriver", so you've got 3 tools for the price of one!!

Don't know where the expression came from, anyone else heard it??
Swiss army knife:

Mine has 2 screwdrivers, 2 Blades, scissors, saw, corkscrew, bradawl, bottle opener, key ring, hook, and can opener. It's the huntsman one with the tweezers and toothpick but those bits got lost.
My Dad used to call a hammer a "Birmingham Screwdriver", so you've got 3 tools for the price of one!!

Don't know where the expression came from, anyone else heard it??

Round here we call it a "Manchester screwdriver". Screwdrivers being only used for removing screws!

My most useful tool? My credit card - to pay the exorbitant price for fuel.
Loo roll and /or several packets of tissues (especially at music festivals)
Duct tape

Hi Smaug,

Your comment about Duct tape,I always thought it was DUCK TAPE and away's wondered why would you name it after a duck, and now I know thanks.

Regards Snowbirds.:idea-007::idea-007:

Duct tape & Stanley knife (after the multi-meter)
Tool box kit


VIAGRA !:angel::cool:


Many of us carry a tool box in our MH, the size usually dependant on personal skills.

What do you feel is the No1 tool needed?? (With exception to the std wheel change kit, mind you, some MH's don't even need those as they don't have a spare!!)

I think a digital multimeter is No1, judging by the number of electrical/battery questions that keep cropping up on this site!!

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