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The V5 says it's a three seat vehicle (all in cab) so a fourth passenger would be an obvious get out for the insurance company.
No, it cant be that simple. My V5 says two seat but its a 4 berth motorhome. Interesting to no what it says on Beemers V5
My V5 states that "Number of seats, including driver" 2 .........:scared: WTF
I can only really comment on the Law as it stands over here but I know its similar.
Construction and use regulations state that if the seats were original fitted with seat belts they must be i working condition and used.
if an adult fails to use them its a fine up to £1000 if i child fails to use the the driver gets fined and penalty points.
Also it should state on your registration documents number of seats if you carry more than that you are in breach of the road traffic regulations the construction and use regulations and could invalidate your insurance.
apart from the fact that not having a seat belt on is utter madness.
I find it amusing about the comments of 'stupidity' and 'sheer madness' when talking about travelling without wearing a seatbelt. Most of us oldies did just that for many years until the law on seatbelts was introduced.
Don't get me wrong, I believe it is a good law and has saved countless lives. It just goes to show how attitudes can be greatly changed in just a short time.
I've been in a head on when travelling at 40mph, some idiot decided to test his new company car out at 60mph on a bend in the wet ended up hitting me on my side of the road. I was wearing a seat belt. For those who haven't had chance to test it out, seatbelt injuries at those speeds are not pleasant. Seat belts can save your life, but are not a universal panacea.
My motorhome has a fixed transverse bed in the rear with a 2 foot access in the middle and 2 foot bulkheads on either side. At that impact speed, I would have been a lot less injury free travelling lying in a bed like that with cushions and padding on the bulkheads. I would have been restrained and the forces spread over a much bigger body area than seatbelts can give.
My answer is why would you want to risk anyone unrestrained in your van especially your grandchildren, i certanly would not.