That's it. I've had it with the wild-camping zealots.

Know what you mean mate, just the other day I had the audacity to reply to a post with a bit of humour. Duly chastised by the person who is quite happy to add a location I may tell off to data base, he can ram it now, posting nowt for his lack of humour and cheek!!


Same here,strange place at times... hey ho.
what's up with pies!

Absolutely nothing - love 'em. It was an oblique reference to the fact that two people seem to have the same aggressive attitude whenever anyone says anything they disagree with. ;)
Absolutely nothing - love 'em. It was an oblique reference to the fact that two people seem to have the same aggressive attitude whenever anyone says anything they disagree with. ;)

Who's the other one, apart from you of course? As for aggressive attitude I suspect that most people would view a total denigration of those who use sites as aggressive. Institutionalised people who camp in 'prisons'? Why do you never complain about that kind of slur? Possible because your views are so one-sided and partisan that any attempt at fairness would be impossible. I'm off out for the day so regrettably can't answer what I know will be another trite and pointless response.

Edited to add: Anyone who has seen your interminable slanging matches with Bigpieeater will be rolling around clutching their sides at your comment! From what I can gather your reputation as a bit of a trouble maker was in place long before I joined this forum!
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Hey Ho, we're all different and have different agendas and needs. There no such thing as one size fits all.

There are those with their own agenda who will try and hijack anything to get their point across.

I get sick to the back teeth with squabbles on such an open forum, especially when they become aggressive. The impression to an outsider is that we as a group are dominated by mouthy extremists.

The trouble is, that if they were password controlled so that only the protagonists could see and reply, it would remove the wider audience to whom they are playing to.
As we approach the season of goodwill and peace to all men (and women) lets try and be a little more tolerant with each other and respect each others way of life, so if you have a gripe about a posting - send an PM to Phil or to the one concerned and let the few that insist on trying to wind everybody else up just wind themselves up - the spring will eventually get so tight it will snap and go in the rubbish bin then we can get back to the brilliant and helpful site that "Wild Camping" should be. We all have different views on posts, so if you have a comment to post make it CONSTRUCTIVE and then you will help us all and the site will be the better for it.

A little early but:


including all whose springs are getting tighter and tighter and will probably be in the bin by the time New Year has arrived.
Who's the other one, apart from you of course? As for aggressive attitude I suspect that most people would view a total denigration of those who use sites as aggressive. Institutionalised people who camp in 'prisons'? Why do you never complain about that kind of slur? Possible because your views are so one-sided and partisan that any attempt at fairness would be impossible. I'm off out for the day so regrettably can't answer what I know will be another trite and pointless response.

Edited to add: Anyone who has seen your interminable slanging matches with Bigpieeater will be rolling around clutching their sides at your comment! From what I can gather your reputation as a bit of a trouble maker was in place long before I joined this forum!

As I've said before, I own up to a weakness for winding up fools but I have never attacked anyone who hasn't first embarked on a personal attack on others (unless, of course, you can provide evidence to the contrary!).

On the specific issue you mention, there was no personal attack by anyone until you stepped in. We all make generalised statements that are mostly tongue-in-cheek, such as "I hate cities" or "I hate campsites" and it is taken as read that we don't mean that we are having a go at particular individuals who choose to live in cities or use campsites.

As for my views being one-sided - well, aren't most people's? There are a number of things that are guaranteed to get me going - and unwarranted personal attacks come high up on that list. If any of the people who posted comments prior to yours had indulged in a personal attack I might very well have said something. In fact, in the recent past, I have stepped in when others were attacking you in what I regarded as an unfair way. If that gives me a reputation as a trouble-maker then it is a description I wear with pride.

Have a nice day.
When I started the other thread "misanthropes" a few days ago it was for two reasons.

1] I am getting fed up with the sort of dogged stupidity, again, being demonstrated on this thread.

2] I have only been back in the Country just over a week & have had two members contact me to indicate that

They are leaving this forum because of the constant slanging that some people indulge in.

Both members came onto this forum, as I did, to gather information that would be helpful to us on our travels

& to give information based on our own travelling experience,not to see maladjusted individuals refusing to back down over the most trivial things

that are often nothing to do with our hobby. Both contributors are now going.

This is a site dedicated to motor caravanning, hardly the most controversial of subjects.

I think this all started on a post I started about going to look at a new campsite that has open near me in Alicante for a friend in the U.K if so then i think i will stay on the side line from now on.
I think this all started on a post I started about going to look at a new campsite that has open near me in Alicante for a friend in the U.K if so then i think i will stay on the side line from now on.

I can understand your view but if people are prevented from asking innocent questions, then don't the aggressive ones win?
I can understand your view but if people are prevented from asking innocent questions, then don't the aggressive ones win?

John i felt he was tying to get aggressive that,s why in the end i had to ignore him i asked him 3 times to please stop it and he just went on
John i felt he was tying to get aggressive that,s why in the end i had to ignore him i asked him 3 times to please stop it and he just went on

Oh I accept your frustration and annoyance and I can understand why you might want to think twice about posting again but if people like you decide not to post then the bullies win. I'm not sure what the answer is, because I don't believe in censorship or banning but I also don't like to see bullies win. If the answer was easy then the problem would have been solved long ago. I just urge you not to give up because there might be idiots around. Happy travels.
Oh I accept your frustration and annoyance and I can understand why you might want to think twice about posting again but if people like you decide not to post then the bullies win. I'm not sure what the answer is, because I don't believe in censorship or banning but I also don't like to see bullies win. If the answer was easy then the problem would have been solved long ago. I just urge you not to give up because there might be idiots around. Happy travels.

I can understand your view but if people are prevented from asking innocent questions, then don't the aggressive ones win?

lets stick together and we will win
If you can't be Helpful, considerate or kind. byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I agree with you Bopper so come on all you stirrers that's you told "If you can't be Helpful, considerate or kind. byeeeeeeeeeeeee!".
Just because we share an interest does not mean we will all get on with each other.

It is not about "winning".

What it is about, for the individual member, is being in a place that he or she finds enjoyable or helpful. When I stop enjoying where I am, I move on...I am a motorhomer, it's what I do.

Too many people, here, cannot see that they are part of the problem and will never change.

Each member has choices and will do whatever is right for them...this includes Phil, of course.

For myself, I don't think it will long before I get tired of the atmosphere here. The main reason I joined was the wonderful POI files, but if I spend more time in Europe, as I plan to, then I will derive less benefit from it and I will probably decide that the POI list is not a good enough reason to stay.

It is a shame, but forums often do revolve around local 'usual suspects'. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Am I right in thinking that this is not the first time that WildCamping has been in turmoil?
As we approach the season of goodwill and peace to all men (and women) lets try and be a little more tolerant with each other and respect each others way of life, so if you have a gripe about a posting - send an PM to Phil or to the one concerned and let the few that insist on trying to wind everybody else up just wind themselves up - the spring will eventually get so tight it will snap and go in the rubbish bin then we can get back to the brilliant and helpful site that "Wild Camping" should be. We all have different views on posts, so if you have a comment to post make it CONSTRUCTIVE and then you will help us all and the site will be the better for it.

A little early but:


including all whose springs are getting tighter and tighter and will probably be in the bin by the time New Year has arrived.

Stick your seasons greeting up your arse donkey,i dont do christmas and its greetings:lol-053::lol-053:
Guernsey Donkey

I thought i had better post that i am just having a laugh in an aim to lighten the forum up,my post was meant to make you laugh.:lol-061: also.

I still dont do christmas though:scared:
As I've said before, I own up to a weakness for winding up fools but I have never attacked anyone who hasn't first embarked on a personal attack on others (unless, of course, you can provide evidence to the contrary!).

On the specific issue you mention, there was no personal attack by anyone until you stepped in. We all make generalised statements that are mostly tongue-in-cheek, such as "I hate cities" or "I hate campsites" and it is taken as read that we don't mean that we are having a go at particular individuals who choose to live in cities or use campsites.

As for my views being one-sided - well, aren't most people's? There are a number of things that are guaranteed to get me going - and unwarranted personal attacks come high up on that list. If any of the people who posted comments prior to yours had indulged in a personal attack I might very well have said something. In fact, in the recent past, I have stepped in when others were attacking you in what I regarded as an unfair way. If that gives me a reputation as a trouble-maker then it is a description I wear with pride.

Have a nice day.

I have no problem with people who hate campsites, although I suspect that with many of them it's just a cover for an unwillingness to spend money. What I object to, and what you don't seem bright enough to grasp, is the implication that those of us who do are some kind of lesser species and once again I quote the line that started this: "we dont like prison /campsites either .keep up the good work. you do have to remember some are institutionalized and cant help being trapped by the rest." Now that's not stating a preference, it's attacking those whose choices you disagree with. If anyone wants to call me institutionalised and enjoying being trapped with the rest, then they can expect a reaction.

As for your comment about enjoying winding people up, you've hit the nail on the head. Despite what you claim about others there is no one who enjoys stirring things and deliberately provoking rows than you. What a nasty and sad admission to make!

And what do we make of people who call campsites prisons? I could show you photographs of the most beautiful sites, half empty, with loads of space and gorgeous views and to describe them in such terms as 'prisons' is both stupid and inaccurate and simply shows a pathetic and irrational bias. What cracks me up is that most of the people who claim to hate campsites (e.g. hate spending money) will stop on an aire that's like a glorified car park with 'vans three or four feet on either side. One thing I can usually guarantee though, is that it will be a free aire!

You couldn't make it up!
When I joined this forum I did so because I like wild camping when circumstances permit. I now realise that people such as me are viewed as some kind of lesser species by a number of members. I objected to this comment on another thread:

"we dont like prison /campsites either .keep up the good work. you do have to remember some are institutionalized and cant help being trapped by the rest."

It appears that some people think that I have no right to challenge such views and that by doing so I'm some kind of troll or stirrer and I can assure you that I'm neither. I'm just someone who'll stick up for his opinions and who loathes these narrow-minded bullies who think that only their way is the correct way, and that those of us who also use sites are some kind of wet softies. Yep, that's me! The next time I go to Tibet or Nepal or climb my next mountain I'll reflect on how unadventurous I am. Apart from which I have wife who occasionally likes a nice site.

I'm not to bothered about the POI downloads as most of my holidays are abroad, but felt that the right thing to do was to pay the £15 as I've as good idea what it costs to run a forum such as this. Now I shall not be renewing as I'm appalled at the attitude of a few people who appear to dislike those of us who don't follow their methods and, let's face it, appear to be interested not so much in true solitude but in true stinginess, as that constantly comes out as the driving force behind their wild-camping zealousness.

Just to disappoint you, I'm not going and will continue to argue my corner when necessary but I see no point in paying to be insulted by a few rabid anti-site motorhomers.

Well..... I hope you feel better for getting that off your chest.

I think actually you'll find that most of us on here are extremely tolerant and live and let live. I also think you should apologise to Phil who invests hours of his time voluntarily into this site to make it what it is. Wherever you go you'll find people you disagree with, that does not mean you should offload your frustrations on the many of us who enjoy browsing the site and really don't need this sort of outburst on a friendly site.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, and I hope you have the guts to say the above to the faces of those you meet as well as putting it anonymously in type on the net.

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