That's it. I've had it with the wild-camping zealots.


When I joined this forum I did so because I like wild camping when circumstances permit. I now realise that people such as me are viewed as some kind of lesser species by a number of members. I objected to this comment on another thread:

"we dont like prison /campsites either .keep up the good work. you do have to remember some are institutionalized and cant help being trapped by the rest."

It appears that some people think that I have no right to challenge such views and that by doing so I'm some kind of troll or stirrer and I can assure you that I'm neither. I'm just someone who'll stick up for his opinions and who loathes these narrow-minded bullies who think that only their way is the correct way, and that those of us who also use sites are some kind of wet softies. Yep, that's me! The next time I go to Tibet or Nepal or climb my next mountain I'll reflect on how unadventurous I am. Apart from which I have wife who occasionally likes a nice site.

I'm not to bothered about the POI downloads as most of my holidays are abroad, but felt that the right thing to do was to pay the £15 as I've as good idea what it costs to run a forum such as this. Now I shall not be renewing as I'm appalled at the attitude of a few people who appear to dislike those of us who don't follow their methods and, let's face it, appear to be interested not so much in true solitude but in true stinginess, as that constantly comes out as the driving force behind their wild-camping zealousness.

Just to disappoint you, I'm not going and will continue to argue my corner when necessary but I see no point in paying to be insulted by a few rabid anti-site motorhomers.
interesting .think i might have made the comments about prison camps . i havent complained .but still think campsites are like prison camps.
I also hate camp sites because; I hate regimented things. I don't like orderly rows, I don't want to hear what the people in the next unit are sying. I don't want to pet their pooch. I hate people who alow their kids to do just what they like to the annoyance of other around them, I love solitude and have often moved from a wild site when someone else has turned up. Thats just me. I am not antisocial at all as some of the members here will tell you. I just like peace and quiet, to read my books watch the sun set or rise, listen to the silence and wild life. I also only listen to music in my van using earphones, even when I am the only unit around.
I dont care what other people do as long as they do not tread on my toes or allow me to see them abusing the countryside and wildlife. If campsite are their thing then good luck to them. everyone is different and has different standards and ideals. Just don't try to force your standards and ideals onto me.
well i just searched to find the thread and all i can say is i was right .
perhaps a mental institution would more suit some here. find it a bit daft really . but it takes all sorts.
i wrote a nice remark to ken ,who i have had the pleasure of meeting and enjoying his families hospitality .
come back on and find my comment started a ruckass . never mind . hope the most of you can excuse some on the web. as to my being an idiot we shall just have to see you never know we might meet up in a dark alley one night. hope your not gay. wouldnt like to be in trouble for gay bashing.
I think everyone has a right to state their own views, as we are all different, but "challenging" such views is something else. It seems to imply the right to disagree when such views are not your own. This would be OK if it was not perceived as a personal attack on other members, which seems to be how it is viewed by some.

Maybe if we stuck to stating our views as opposed to appearing to attack other peoples, life would be a lot pleasanter???

I wildcamp AND use sites. I don't expect everyone else to do the same because this is what I do. Enjoying our camping experience is what it is all about, whichever way you choose to do it.

I used to enjoy reading the forums. Now everytime I read them, I'm wondering who's going to get it in the neck for what!!

(ME, probably, for posting this!!)
Sorry Alan your turn now, How are you mate Police on the look out down here got move on from the beach near Alicante Airport last week
I'm appalled at the attitude of a few people who appear to dislike those of us who don't follow their methods and, let's face it, appear to be interested not so much in true solitude but in true stinginess, as that constantly comes out as the driving force behind their wild-camping zealousness..

I've typed 10 different replies to this and all are insulting except this one... have a good life, cya.
I don't understand what the problem is. If someone says camp sites are prisons that's their point of view. You don't have to fight it, but if you do want to challenge it, simply put your point of view. Nobody has to win, you can both be right in your own minds.

For the record I prefer wilding but I use campsites as well on occasion it's no big deal. I know some pride themselves on never using campsites or indeed never wilding on the other end of the scale. But that's cool for them. It doesn't make any difference to my camping what they prefer.

In fact, the more people that do use campsites, the less problems the wilders will have. Imagine what it would be like if everyone went wilding! There would be more than a few barriers and signs going up in our favourite locations.
hi ken. i have been told before they dont like campers on the beach . use the habitation. mind there was alot of new building going on last time i was there. nice there you can almost touch the planes. shame if it ends . i remember watching them build all those apartments . handy for water on the habitation on the right looking out to sea . taps in the street or was. been a grand day here again almost as warm as some of the winter days in spain. garden looking a treat. never been so looked after this time of year. ha ha . see you soon. or next year really.
We all do it a little differently, and we all enjoy our motorcamping, again in different ways....
This site is mainly for Wildcampers, but I reckon probably half use campsites at some time or other....
For myself, I wild and don't use campsites, but I don't and would never want to overnight in a layby....:mad2:
But if someone else likes campsites or even likes laybys, then thats OK with me.....:wacko:
Their choice and their perogative to enjoy their camping....
Just do it as you want, with respect and consideration for others and better still leave all the nice wild locations for me.....:have fun::have fun: The more that use campsites the better....:have fun::have fun:
OK Alan you have a nice Christmas and hope to see you next year be lucky mate:cheers:

as i'm from up norf as well.

what's up with pies!

northener take no notice there are people on here that will try and wind you up.

you like what you like and so do i it certainly makes things interesting,and we can all bring our experiances to this forum.

enjoy your travels and take no notice:dance::dance::dance:
I understand what you mean, some people think that you have to wild camp all the time, as somebody who has been 'wild camping' since the mid 80's in a camper (we never had a name for it then) & before that camping out in a tent or occasionally without, but we still use camp sites when we either want to feel the need to.
We spent a month on a campsite in Spain last winter (longest time I have ever been on a site) & it was ok, made a lot of friends, enjoyed exploring the area on bikes or on foot. Spent the other 2 months wilding never spending more than a couple of nights in one place. What I personally don't like & I think gets us motorhomers a bad name is people wild camping for weeks or months on end in one spot, this is just free loading & risking nice places being made unavailable for others.

Nobody on the site should resort to insulting other members just because they don't agree with them, surely we have enough people outside this forum who think that we should only use camp sites without fighting amongst ourselves.
I just read through all these posts. What on earth has happened to this forum? I used to be on here every day a couple of years ago and it was a right old laugh. Everyone used to knock chunks out of each other but in a humorous way not like the nasty snipes that seem to have taken over lately.

Its a great site this and a great resource. Hows it going to look to new members or potential paying members if all they see is you lot spitting bile at each other? It will go down hill further and eventually dry up as there will be nobody on it.

To be honest I can see attitude and fault on both sides. Not that Im judge or jury or anything but can I suggest that everyone just draws a line under it, forgets their differences and gets back to enjoying what we all have in common. Motorhoming, wilding, sites and discussing it.

By all means slag each other off but just make it funny.
I also hate camp sites because; I hate regimented things. I don't like orderly rows, I don't want to hear what the people in the next unit are sying. I don't want to pet their pooch. I hate people who alow their kids to do just what they like to the annoyance of other around them, I love solitude and have often moved from a wild site when someone else has turned up. Thats just me. I am not antisocial at all as some of the members here will tell you. I just like peace and quiet, to read my books watch the sun set or rise, listen to the silence and wild life. I also only listen to music in my van using earphones, even when I am the only unit around.
I dont care what other people do as long as they do not tread on my toes or allow me to see them abusing the countryside and wildlife. If campsite are their thing then good luck to them. everyone is different and has different standards and ideals. Just don't try to force your standards and ideals onto me.

Very nicely put, and you sum me up also to a tee ,thats what its all about and i assume by its name that thats why we are here.Wildcamping:lol-053:
as i'm from up norf as well.

what's up with pies!

northener take no notice there are people on here that will try and wind you up.

you like what you like and so do i it certainly makes things interesting,and we can all bring our experiances to this forum.

enjoy your travels and take no notice:dance::dance::dance:

I suspect he has had enough of the pricks that occupy the site and has had enough i wouldnt blame him.
This was a great site some years ago,maybe there are one too many MEMBERS on here now.:lol-053:
I suspect he has had enough of the pricks that occupy the site and has had enough i wouldnt blame him.
This was a great site some years ago,maybe there are one too many MEMBERS on here now.:lol-053:

Maybe we should bring back AJ. Whatever happened to him?
Maybe he is pretending to be Northerner:lol-053:

He is on the other wilding site still:lol-053:
I understand what you mean, some people think that you have to wild camp all the time, as somebody who has been 'wild camping' since the mid 80's in a camper (we never had a name for it then).

As a family, we used to 'Fly Camp' (as it was called darn sarf). We used to pull up next to a field, throw the tent up behind some trees and kip down for the night. We would be up early the next morning and move on before anyone would know we had been there.:yeahthat:

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