Thanks, Phill


For the warning (closed thread) that was a sensible move closing it. Might be worth making it a sticky too?

But the temptation to offer a rude & offensive response was almost overwhelming! :scared: :lol-053:

However, I have resisted! :wave:
For the warning (closed thread) that was a sensible move closing it. Might be worth making it a sticky too?

But the temptation to offer a rude & offensive response was almost overwhelming! :scared: :lol-053:

However, I have resisted! :wave:

I don't agree ...... FIGHT!!!!!! :lol-053:
I understand that people like to debate things, but it needs to be done responsibly taking into consideration the feelings of others.

Just wording something differently can get the same message across without upsetting someone.

I would just like people to be nice to one another and instead of pointing out the errors of others, just accept them and if possible help them to see this in a gentle and private way.

People are once again becoming scared to post.

I must point out that I do not think that most members mean to cause offence, it is just their style that comes over as harsh.
I must point out that I do not think that most members mean to cause offence, it is just their style that comes over as harsh.

This is the problem with the written word it can be missinterpreted in so many ways when you can't see the face of the person grinning :) or scowling :(

Thanks Phil for the great job you do :wave: No!!!!!! I mean it honest I do :wave:
This is the problem with the written word it can be missinterpreted in so many ways when you can't see the face of the person grinning :) or scowling :(

Thanks Phil for the great job you do :wave: No!!!!!! I mean it honest I do :wave:

Creep :scared:
My humble opinion is that some posts can antagonise people because they come across as a bit 'holier than thou'. I think that this comes about because some members like to use impeccable grammar and spelling, and frankly this can make some posts look a bit posh or snobbish.
I actually admire good grammar and spelling, although I don't hold it against anyone who is not particularly good at it, I'm not brilliant myself and will probably make glaring errors in this post! I always analyse posts which look a bit controversial, you will often find that they are usually very considered, carefully written and the OP will probably have an answer ready for your questions/criticisms before you've even thought of them.

Mind you, some of it is just bollox:lol-053:
My humble opinion is that some posts can antagonise people because they come across as a bit 'holier than thou'. I think that this comes about because some members like to use impeccable grammar and spelling, and frankly this can make some posts look a bit posh or snobbish.
I actually admire good grammar and spelling, although I don't hold it against anyone who is not particularly good at it, I'm not brilliant myself and will probably make glaring errors in this post! I always analyse posts which look a bit controversial, you will often find that they are usually very considered, carefully written and the OP will probably have an answer ready for your questions/criticisms before you've even thought of them.

Mind you, some of it is just bollox:lol-053:

That is so funny I'm in stitches here :lol-049:
Are you serious? Is it a joke? Or simply sarcasm?
It just needs a little spark like this to start it all off again :(

I have been wary many times about posting my point of view .......and can honestly say a little fearful. I dont want to be attacked from behind some ones computer screen. I think there may have been some sort of accusation that I lack manners the other day, perhaps I am wrong ?. I refrained from answering back because if I feed it, then its just accelerates into something big and to be honest its not worth it. Keep things light, simple and friendly thats how I like to live my life......
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I do have to ask though if people really are scared to post on an internet forum are they allowed their own money and do they drive ?

Some people are scared to ask questions because of stupid replies from people like you, seriously look at what you just posted.

Some people are not internet vetrans, some people are shy and worry that their posts will be ridiculed.

You have just ridiculed my post;

"if people really are scared to post" are you suggesting I am being untruthful?
"are they allowed their own money and do they drive ?" are you suggesting they are special needs or that only children should be scared?
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Are you serious? Is it a joke? Or simply sarcasm?
It just needs a little spark like this to start it all off again :(

A bit like this post do you mean? I took his post as a joke and thought no more about it. The whole thread has been light hearted
My humble opinion is that some posts can antagonise people because they come across as a bit 'holier than thou'. I think that this comes about because some members like to use impeccable grammar and spelling, and frankly this can make some posts look a bit posh or snobbish.
I actually admire good grammar and spelling, although I don't hold it against anyone who is not particularly good at it, I'm not brilliant myself and will probably make glaring errors in this post! I always analyse posts which look a bit controversial, you will often find that they are usually very considered, carefully written and the OP will probably have an answer ready for your questions/criticisms before you've even thought of them.

Mind you, some of it is just bollox:lol-053:

I try to use correct spelling and grammar but I don't care if others don't. It isn't meant to be posh, just attempting to make things easier to read and easier to understand. Some forums even have grammar moderators who will correct your posts if they are incorrect. I'm glad it is not like that here though!

I don't judge people on how they write, but on what they say, and ultimately on what they do. Words speak louder than appearances, but actions speak louder than words.
Basildog, because I know you, I took your comment the way you intended it to be. But if I am honest, it did make me feel a bit uncomfortable, and if I didn't know you, I would quite easily have taken it a different way.

The range of people on this forum means that there are always going to be some very confident people with high self-esteem who like to banter in a some times risky way, and also some more sensitive, less confident people, who if they don't know the personalities involved, and realise that it is banter, could easily feel a little intimidated by the possibility of being a target of ridicule. I don't know what the answer is, others have suggested using smileys, and that's often what I try to do - I rarely use smileys in "serious" posts, but often do in lighthearted posts to convey the impression that I'm not being serious.

Whether this works or not I don't know :confused:

I've been a forum member about 6 months now and during that time I've been involved in unintended spats which I don't enjoy, and at first I would react on impulse which I discovered wasn't always the best idea so I do try now to sit back and see which way the thread is going and think about what point I want to make before making a serious post. And I have to sit on my hands sometimes to stop myself from posting.

This would have been a longer post but I'm going sit on my hands for a while ;)
The post was made as a light hearted off the cuff comment .
I think that the 2 opposing views as to how to interpret my comment speak for themselves
Phil I think you are being over sensitive but that is your perogative on your site
I appologise for any offence that may have been caused .

I took it as a light hearted comment meant to amuse....others saw something different...and
that's basically the problem with text (unless you've got to know the poster in real life or got
a feeling about their style of posting).

I think this is a good illustration of how easily 'what will be misunderstood, will be misunderstood'

<<I do have to ask though if people really are scared to post on an internet forum are they allowed their own money and do they drive ?>>

<<I do have to ask though if people really are scared to post on an internet forum are they allowed their own money and do they drive ? :lol-049:

<<I do have to ask though if people really are scared to post on an internet forum are they allowed their own money and do they drive ?:scared:


<<I do have to ask though if people really are scared to post on an internet forum are they allowed their own money and do they drive ?:mad2:

all mean something different.
(edited spelling) Viktor, that is really interesting and I'm giving it some thought because to me, I think they do, which illustrates your point exactly (no smiley, serious point!)
If I post an opinion on a forum, that is what it is,my opinion, I care not whether anyone accepts it or rejects it,I would not deliberately ever set out to offend anyone but have been told that I can be very cutting at times, I don't suffer fools very well and my sense of humour can be a bit wicked at times, I just wish people would lighten up a bit ,after all Internet Forums are NOT the real World.:lol-053::lol-053:
A bit like this post do you mean? I took his post as a joke and thought no more about it. The whole thread has been light hearted

Yes, that was my intention. But threads take on a life of their own don't they? Ever played with a Oija board? Every person makes an independant input & the glass moves in an unpredictable manner.

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