Testing Hank 2

Well as you know I've been lucky with Facebook Market place a few times now. Sold the big scoot in six hours and the motorhome in just under 24, I sold a Windsurfer and a Cadec barbeque on there also. The thing to do I found is to learn to weed out the tossers, time wasters and scammers. They are usually pretty obvious. Illiterate and asking for phone numbers before anything else. Just do it all by message. I did give my number to the buyer of the van in the end but only after I had vetted them which you can do. I hated it though so I kind of agree with you. Its free however and it does work. Pricing is key I reckon.

I'm trying Gumtree first Barry but might give FB a go as well.
I've got tents, boats, stoves and all sorts to sell Steve.

I'd rather keep them but we're inundated with 'stuff' made worse by the fact that we are also storing all of my daughter's household goods whilst they are living with us.

I don't like insulting offers and generally when they make such an offer I say "sorry, I'm now not selling it to you now even if you offer the asking price". :mad:
We're very much kindred spirits, Rob! As soon as the games playing starts, my war cry of, 'I've never knowingly started a game of silly buggers, but I've never knowingly refused an invitation to join in' can be heard echoing across the hills, and battle commences after a 3 seconds delay for the blood to reach boiling point. It's not good for the cardiac system, but that's not uppermost in my mind when the nonsense starts! :ROFLMAO:

I'm the same, Rob, but am becoming more resilient after last week's experience of trying to sell the French hovel. The supposed purchaser has submitted a p*ss take offer and then tried to reduce it by a further €5,000 less than an hour later! So, having decided to leave most of my tools for the new purchaser [cost more to bring them back], I embarked upon a 'everything for sale' spree. It only yielded around €300, but the new purchaser will have to pay around €2,000 to replace them ... Even then, my offer to a neighbour to sell 2 Metabo Drills [Pro Quality] for €60 in total wa rejected as 'too expensive'

Off to try and sell my concrete mixer now ... :ROFLMAO:

Your local ‘amaeus’ take stuff and benefit local homeless charities.
A lot of stuff I take down the tip never makes it to landfill Trev.

There's a section for decent sellable stuff but where the proceeds go I don't know. Probably the workers take some of it home.
I always wondered why we dont do that here, a council worker told me they dont because there could be a ins claim against them if someone was injured.
To me thats a copout meening they could not be bothered.
Water heats up quite nicely on boost on gas, fridge did light on gas despite us sloping a bit downwards.:D
If I'm on a slope, whether on gas or mains the heating side of the fridge will work. It's just that if the slope is too steep, there'll be no cooling effect

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