Suzuki Address

Many thanks for all the comments. The first one had me checking my sums again. I have a L2H2 Boxer van and measured front an rear axel loads with a 100kg bike + 30kg carrier are well within the maximum so I am OK on this. However, on doing some more searching it appears I have been mislead by the information on the PFJones website when it comes to the maximum nose weight: It states for a van older than 2011 it ranges from 100kg to 150kg depending on the towbar. My Brink tow bar is rated at 140kg. However it turns out the maximum "tow bar weight" as specified by Peugeot for a Boxer van is 100kg and my current understanding is that it is the lower limit that applies. I'm going to follow this up with PFJones. Added to this, there is also the issue that the motorcycle carrier I have puts the weight of the bike around 35cm from the tow bar. I'm still not sure whether this needs to be included in the tow bar weight as this limit seems to be based on trailer use rather than carriers attached to the tow bar. It seems like it should unless there maximum nose weight allows for this. A rough calculation however suggests it could increase the "weight" on the tow bar by another 35%. As such any modern scooter now seems to be out of the question.

Getting a trailer may well end up being the best option but it would be good to keep things compact and transverse trailers don't seem to come cheap. The Hydra Trail is interesting but reviews seem to be rather mixed. I note someone posted that they lost a wheel on a motorway and the response from the company wasn't very helpful.

In terms of a "motorised" option for the motorcycle carrier, it looks like a "vintage" Puch Maxi or a Tomos moped may keep the nose weight below a 100kg. These also have large wheels!!

Speak to Armitage Trailers in FerryBridge (M62 / A1). They fitted my rack in 2008 onto a Kontiki on a Peugeot Boxer and its still going strong. Mines an Alko Chassis and the rack is fitted onto that. You dont want a rack where all the weight is on the tow bar. If you tell them your van make and model they may be able to tell you whether they have done one before. I Reckon their stuff is the best on the market.

I have a David Cooper bike rack for my trials bike. Cost under £100 and bolts on between the tow bar and the tow ball. Well built and it’s the go to rack in the trials world.
Many thanks for all the comments. I’ve plenty to think about.

You say the towbar will take 140kg, so the bike /scooter and the rack need to be under 140kg in total.
You then need to check the axle weights when its fitted to make sure your under max design weights
There is a table of calculations to work this out, you need weights of loaded van before you start to work it out.. I have the workings and calculation formula but cant find them....
If you have a hd chassis all should be ok, the lightweight chassis is a different matter. This might help
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