status areal v cheapo


how do you all get on with tv areals?.
I have a status areal through a booster
which is about as useful as a pair of left shoes:mad:
on my last two campers i've bought a cheap directional areal from B&Q,
put a clamp on the roof rack and an exterior tv socket
wired through the booster and I get a good signal almost anywhere.
the price difference is about £60 - £80 against £8.99 for a cheapo from B&Q
makes you think dosen't it!
Does'nt surprie me, I still say you can't beat the old wire coathanger:eek::D

I got one of them aerials that looks like a sword fish from a flea market and I can pick up digital tv when it is inside the house .

So I will be using that in the van

All for the princely sum of £1

Mines a status ariel which is on a telescopic pole for directional movement, generally picture is good however we not to watch a great deal of tv.
I haven't got one since changing my van.:eek:
I think I am going to get a small house type as I don't want it to need electricity for a booster as no good for wilding.;)
Just got to sort a pole out:eek:

Unsure how much juice the booster uses when not on hook up although we have never wild camped for more than 2 nights in a row mostly seem to be on the move:D
Always get the best reception from a home aerial and half the price;)
What do you need an ariel for?

I'm confused, when we play cards or dominoes or sit and read a good book, we have a perfect reception no need for an ariel.;)

Sorry, had to get that in. Am I the only one who refuses to take a TV when camping?
we always take the scrabble with us, and we have the score cards
for the last 15 years,
but we also need the tv. cos when I win, angie goes in the huff
and switch's it on. :D :D :D
we always take the scrabble with us, and we have the score cards
for the last 15 years,
but we also need the tv. cos when I win, angie goes in the huff
and switch's it on. :D :D :D

LOL:D,And when you lose:eek::eek:????

I never lose, with words like infrability, :confused: :confused: how can I lose! :eek: :eek:
Glad to hear it!

we enjoy a game of the ol' strabble, we have a little magnetic travel one. I'm not very good though. As sad as it sounds, I'm always on the lookout for travel games, I've even collected some foreign ones! No hookup required:rolleyes:
by the way

maybe clark101 on the other thread might have what your looking for! he he
My friend still carries a compendium of games:eek:in his van,can you remember them:cool:
Snakes and ladders,,tiddleywinks and the rest.

Oh and my favourite,,Ludo:eek:

I think there were either 12 or 24 games in there but I have a memory block at the moment,,Must be the wine:D:D

Hi all we got a tv anydirectional thingys but not status i think its telcom looks like the ss enterprize, but i havn't fitted it yet still thinking weather to sell the the van and then i would have to get another one, so for now its still in the box:eek:

we have a selection of games in the van and prefer to play them, but i still like the tv every now and then so we use a house one on a bracket on the roof rack.
I've had Status omnidirectional Ariel's on all my previous vans, and they are absolutely rubbish. So much so that i never bothered to have one fitted on my new van, even though i was offered one in with the deal. They are wildly hit & miss with analogue TV and worse than useless with digital signals.
I bought a cheap domestic outside Ariel from Argos for a tenner, which is mounted on a slot together aluminium pole, the bottom section of which is permanently fixed to my rear roof ladder. Its then just a case of slotting the top pole on and feeding the coaxial cable through the back door.
I recieve all the digi stations at most of the places i park.
how do you all get on with tv areals?.
I have a status areal through a booster
which is about as useful as a pair of left shoes:mad:
on my last two campers i've bought a cheap directional areal from B&Q,
put a clamp on the roof rack and an exterior tv socket
wired through the booster and I get a good signal almost anywhere.
the price difference is about £60 - £80 against £8.99 for a cheapo from B&Q
makes you think dosen't it!

Hi Sundown,
I have a status and depending where you are they are ok but after a trip to the Lakes i thought they were not all that good so i bought a 12volt camping sat thing with freeview from Maplings, and now i don't have any probs.
do you need a telly licence one wonders if there is somone left at home :rolleyes:

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