Here are my (our) reasons - rather long-winded though!
SWMBO and I have spent most of our holidays tent camping, from small back-packing tents to, finally, a small frame tent. We had discussed in passing, that we would like to look at a mh, but never got any further. We had often looked at motorhomers on campsites with a certain amount of envy, especially when we were sat out under an umbrella in the rain cooking our dinner.
One bank holiday weekend, we were on our way to join friends on Anglesey. They were in their caravan, we had our frame tent. Battling through torrential rain and heavy traffic, we reached Runcorn after about 2 hours, which should have taken us less than half that time. Our friends warned us that where they were it was horizontal rain and a howling gale, so we decided to turn round and go home.
Next day, we decided to go to Stoke for a bit of retail therapy at PC World. On the way through, we passed Moorland Leisure, who sold caravans. They had some used motorhomes in their forecourt, so I suggested we go in and have a look. We examined several vans, dismissing each as we looked at them, until we were shown a Devon Sahara, based on a LDV Convoy. We liked it immediately. It only had 13,000 miles on the clock and was in excellent condition, with a layout that seemed fine for us.
We discussed the price and, as we were not part-exchanging, they knocked £3,000 off. We bought it on the spot. This is something that we never normally do, we usually take a long time to decide on a large purchase, discussing the pros and cons, but this was too good to miss.
Well, we kept that van for 6 years, until we finally purchased our current van.
It's given us the freedom to just go away any time we please, no messing about at airports, bus terminals or railway stations, just fling some clothes in, turn the fridge on, put some food in, and away we go - not forgetting the dog, of course.
Having our mh allows us to pursue our main hobbies (wildlife, photography and astronomy) with ease and we get away as often as we can.
Now that i have retired and SWMBO will retire soon, we'll be spending even more time away!!!
Homepage of Richard & Angela Knisely-Marpole. Archaeology, Heritage, Wildlife & Astronomy