Spain Closed till end of Summer ?

All flights to Portugal cancelled, only nationals allowed back so we don't introduce our nasty variants of the virus. So no flights either way now.
I have never used MHFun. Is it any good? :unsure:

Starting something with 'fun' in the title is kinda presumptuous, imho.

Almost guarantees disappointment from the off! ;) :cool:

Apologies, I'm such an old cynic... :censored:

Lot of sheep and It's very clicky, there are also a lot of BROWN noses. I got dissuaded from using the site because I said Jim ( Owner ) was making money out of motorhomers which he is and he didn't like it. They also have a thing about Eddie at Van Bits. I gave it up and SWMBO uses the membership. If she wants to continue when it runs out it's upto her.
I get a message when I click on that link, witzend.

It just opens to a page with links to different forms for travellers to Spain for me like the thumbnail you arn't another Linux user r you ?

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We are expecting a new lockdown in France if the infection rates don’t start coming down soon. Over the last few days they have been pretty stable. I see Spain’s infection rate figures are around double ours and on a par with the UK.

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