Soundbar for Avtex?

I'm looking for a soundbar for a 12V Avtex tv that will not need the HDMI port. Suggestions please?
I use this one on my Avtex 24" TV -

I thought the sound of the TV was not bad until I ran it through the Soundbar ... World of difference. Connected via the headphone socket of the TV into the Aux-in of the Soundbar.
I guess all flat screen tvs suffer from the same problem... minimal space for a decent speaker, therefore the sound suffers.
The tv in my van will connect via bluetooth to the van radio/stereo, however it is out of sync, their lips move but the sound doesn't, and being honest the sound isn't good.
The best solution I have found is a Bluetooth speaker, it connects to the tv without problem and is in sync, and has decent sound reproduction.
I have tried two different Bluetooth speakers, a newer one which is out of sync and an old one which is in sync and sounds good,
I'd love to recommended a solution, however based on personal experience, what works for me may not work for you.
I've no idea why some of the Bluetooth devices are out of sync, particularly the dedicated head unit in the van.
I've no idea why some of the Bluetooth devices are out of sync, particularly the dedicated head unit in the van.
Because it takes time for the TV to encode the audio signal with a Bluetooth codec and time again for the speaker to decode it.

Some codecs are more efficient than others. Greater efficiency leads to less lag.
I guess all flat screen tvs suffer from the same problem... minimal space for a decent speaker, therefore the sound suffers.
The tv in my van will connect via bluetooth to the van radio/stereo, however it is out of sync, their lips move but the sound doesn't, and being honest the sound isn't good.
The best solution I have found is a Bluetooth speaker, it connects to the tv without problem and is in sync, and has decent sound reproduction.
I have tried two different Bluetooth speakers, a newer one which is out of sync and an old one which is in sync and sounds good,
I'd love to recommended a solution, however based on personal experience, what works for me may not work for you.
I've no idea why some of the Bluetooth devices are out of sync, particularly the dedicated head unit in the van.
The soundbar I linked to has Bluetooth, but also has the effect you describe, as do the Amazon Echo wireless speakers when using as 'cinema speakers' with the Fire stick.
Depending on the source device, e.g Amazon Fire stick, you can sometimes configure it to add a lipsync delay to try and fix this?
I sometimes get this problem just using the internal TV speaker when streaming a film or whatever and find just stopping and restarting it can fix it.
I guess all flat screen tvs suffer from the same problem... minimal space for a decent speaker, therefore the sound suffers.
The tv in my van will connect via bluetooth to the van radio/stereo, however it is out of sync, their lips move but the sound doesn't, and being honest the sound isn't good.
The best solution I have found is a Bluetooth speaker, it connects to the tv without problem and is in sync, and has decent sound reproduction.
I have tried two different Bluetooth speakers, a newer one which is out of sync and an old one which is in sync and sounds good,
I'd love to recommended a solution, however based on personal experience, what works for me may not work for you.
I've no idea why some of the Bluetooth devices are out of sync, particularly the dedicated head unit in the van.
I bought a DALI Kubik One soundbar as the COVID restrictions were lifted [DALI insist it is a speaker, because they don't make soundbars ...] to overcome the flatscreen TV sound limitations, and the sound is beautiful, with lots of manual adjustments to the bamboo cone speakers available. Were it not for the 15-20Kg weight and the 1 metre length, it would be perfect for the M/Home ... As it is, it really comes into its own when the idiot neighbours upstairs jump around; 1812 Overture at full blast, followed by Fanfare for the Common Man let's them know they need to be less clodhopping ...

I guess all flat screen tvs suffer from the same problem... minimal space for a decent speaker, therefore the sound suffers.
The tv in my van will connect via bluetooth to the van radio/stereo, however it is out of sync, their lips move but the sound doesn't, and being honest the sound isn't good.
The best solution I have found is a Bluetooth speaker, it connects to the tv without problem and is in sync, and has decent sound reproduction.
I have tried two different Bluetooth speakers, a newer one which is out of sync and an old one which is in sync and sounds good,
I'd love to recommended a solution, however based on personal experience, what works for me may not work for you.
I've no idea why some of the Bluetooth devices are out of sync, particularly the dedicated head unit in the van.
Not this one Tim. I actually sold my soundbar because the sound from the tv is better.
What they have done is put proper speakers at the bottom, it does mean that the tv has a depth of about 3 inches, but that is no issue for us.
The picture quality is excellent, and it has a built in dvd, and is a smart tv.
You can place a Bluetooth speaker behind you giving a surround sound, but we decided not to bother.

Best thing I found was a cheap as chips solution. Just a pair of plug in usb powered speakers with a jack plug. £20. Small so they don't take up much space and powered by the TV. Also can be plugged into laptops.

However in our new van which has an even bigger rear lounge we have found we don't need them. Acoustics must be better than the old one somehow
I guess all flat screen tvs suffer from the same problem... minimal space for a decent speaker, therefore the sound suffers.
The tv in my van will connect via bluetooth to the van radio/stereo, however it is out of sync, their lips move but the sound doesn't, and being honest the sound isn't good.
The best solution I have found is a Bluetooth speaker, it connects to the tv without problem and is in sync, and has decent sound reproduction.
I have tried two different Bluetooth speakers, a newer one which is out of sync and an old one which is in sync and sounds good,
I'd love to recommended a solution, however based on personal experience, what works for me may not work for you.
I've no idea why some of the Bluetooth devices are out of sync, particularly the dedicated head unit in the van.
On a lot (if not most) modern tvs there is a setting in the menus to adjust the syncing
On your smart TV, look for options such as audio delay, audio sync, or lip sync, which allow you to manually adjust the timing of the audio to match the video.
I bought a DALI Kubik One soundbar as the COVID restrictions were lifted [DALI insist it is a speaker, because they don't make soundbars ...] to overcome the flatscreen TV sound limitations, and the sound is beautiful, with lots of manual adjustments to the bamboo cone speakers available. Were it not for the 15-20Kg weight and the 1 metre length, it would be perfect for the M/Home ... As it is, it really comes into its own when the idiot neighbours upstairs jump around; 1812 Overture at full blast, followed by Fanfare for the Common Man let's them know they need to be less clodhopping ...

You sure on that weight Steve? Totally impractical for a van but I replaced my Sonos Play with a Samsung S60 soundbar and it’s absolutely brilliant. Weighs in at just over 4kg which is why I ask the question
You sure on that weight Steve? Totally impractical for a van but I replaced my Sonos Play with a Samsung S60 soundbar and it’s absolutely brilliant. Weighs in at just over 4kg which is why I ask the question
I'd need to check the exact weight, Neil, but, in general terms, yes! The DALI speakers are built like brick privies and weigh a ton. There is very little electronic wizardry, the sound comes from large speaker cones, solid wood cabinets and weighty casings. DALI work with Danish musicians, recording their music in the studio, and then asking the musicians how they want the music to sound in the customer's home. Then they tune the speaker to match the musicians wishes. The sound quality is astonishingly good, and the low volume bass is brilliant, not at all raucous. COVID stopped the holiday in 2020/21, so the Kubik One was a chunk of that money spent on the speaker ... :ROFLMAO:

I run my smart Cello tv through the Kenwood head unit with bluetooth,or more often use my Sennheiser bluetooth head phones. That sounds great,you can feel the tanks rolling right over you......if you're watching a war film.......with tanks in it.
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This works great in the van and for music, expensive but compact and weighing in at 990g. The sound is excellent and we can easily hear the TV over the rain hammering on the moho room. Excellent for annoying some of our neighbours abroad who insist in parking so close to you that you can hardly open a window. It's also usb rechargeable which is a big plus for me, I'm trying to buy gadgets that have this capability so I don't need to keep replacing batteries.
Just to have a whinge because it's raining parking next to someone who has some kind of sound bar or is using the vans door speakers is as annoying as being next to someone with a generator. Trouble with door speakers is people don't realise how boomy they are outside of the van.

That said we did have a Glastonbury night earlier in the summer playing the footage at full chat through the van radio which was great but nobody around for miles.
Just to have a whinge because it's raining parking next to someone who has some kind of sound bar or is using the vans door speakers is as annoying as being next to someone with a generator. Trouble with door speakers is people don't realise how boomy they are outside of the van.

That said we did have a Glastonbury night earlier in the summer playing the footage at full chat through the van radio which was great but nobody around for miles.
You boring old git. You want to try being stuck amongst a load of ravers at a summer solstice for 5 days with constant raves going on all around us :(

When we parked we were about as far as you could get on the Ridgeway away from everyone as well lol
I've had a few vans (mainly French) who it would appear either want the space you're in or want it for their mates whose arrival is imminent and decide to park as close as possible to my moho when there's plenty of space elsewhere. There was a German van in Austria parked right next to my friends van to the extent he literally couldn't open his window. This was to facilitate opening his awning to meet in the middle with his friends van opposite him. He wouldn't initially move until we complained to the campsite owner who told him to shift. Loud music would have been the next step...
You boring old git. You want to try being stuck amongst a load of ravers at a summer solstice for 5 days with constant raves going on all around us :(

When we parked we were about as far as you could get on the Ridgeway away from everyone as well lol

Lol! I would expect it then though I guess. Reminds me of the last festival I ever went to. The Wickerman Festival in Dumfries and Galloway in the mid noughties. I finally pegged it after a couple of days and tried to get some kip about 3am. Next door a bunch of mad for it Glaswegians were having none of it and raving and making a right racket.

After an hour or so I could stand it no longer and burst out of my tent, kicked over their fire (accidently as it turned out but it must have looked cool) and let rip. It could have gone either way but they just burst out laughing. If you can't beat em join em so my anger also gave way to laughter and I just demanded some tramp lager and funny fags and joined in. We ended up back on my boat on Ullswater the next day, still off our tits and singing songs we had made up sat on the roof.
Problem solved....
NHS Bluetooth hearing aids....
effing brilliant, and discrete, unlike those things youngsters have hanging out of their lugholes.