I’ve been moved to start this thread by what I consider to be a very unpleasant post on the ‘Call to Arms’ thread so, at the risk of making myself even more unpopular, I’m going into the ‘home truths’ department!
First of all, objection to motorhomes isn’t just in the U.K. Because of height barriers I recently gave up trying to find somewhere to park in Sète on the Med and it’s the same along huge stretches of that coast.
Why do the French do this? Why are they turning away the (imagined!) millions of Euro in income from all of us motorhomers and why is it happening in other countries and in cities all over Europe?
But first of all, and this is something that a few members of this forum seem unable to do, let’s try to look at this problem from a point of view other than our own selfish needs.
Let’s start with this, and I quote: ‘Fat greedy councillors who own campsites’. There is no evidence whatsoever that these objections come primarily from site owners. My opinion is that campsite owners couldn’t care less about the tiny number of motorhomers who wild camp. We really are an incredibly small number as compared to those who prefer to use sites, and site owners know that the kind of people who will spend the night on a car park are not the ones who will suddenly decide to use a site just because the car park is no longer available. The camp site argument is a total red herring!
But in the spirit of trying to see things from a point of view other than our own, what is wrong with campsite owners suggesting that the council should not allow free overnight parking for motorhomes and even caravans? If you opened a campsite and the council charges you tens of thousands of pounds in business rates, you have to spend a fortune on insurance and the other costs, and then the council decided to allow people to overnight for nothing on a large car park near to your site, wouldn’t you feel aggrieved? So just as you are allowed to protest to the council about its policies, so are campsite owners, and why should anyone feel that in doing so, they are being unreasonable? But as I said, I put this in just as an example of how some people feel that only their views matter because I really do believe that campsite owners couldn’t care less about a few motorhomers who won’t use their sites.
People talk about ‘their rights’ and ‘being discriminated against’. What about the rights of the people and businesses in Scarborough? These are the ones represented by councillors, not motorhomers who come for a day or so, spend virtually nothing and mount campaigns because they haven’t been allowed free parking all night! And isn’t it a reasonable assumption that people who are too mean to spend a few pounds on a local CL are not the ones who will be flashing their cash all over the town?
If you were a councillor and you had a choice of your car parks being filled with families in cars who will eat in restaurants, visit the attractions and spend a lot of money, or motorhomers who arrive with all their own facilities, eat and sleep in the ‘vans, which would you choose, remembering that, as a councillor, your loyalties must be to those who elected you?
And before you all start claiming that you spend a lot of money in these places, perhaps a tiny number of you do but my experience of most motorhomers, especially those who always wild camp, is that their prime ambition is to go away and only spend money on diesel fuel!
But I now get back to the original question, which is: Why are we being turned away from towns and cities all over Europe? One of the first and obvious reasons is that giving anyone cart blanche to overnight on public cars will guarantee an invasion of travellers. There is no anti-traveller agenda or racism here, it’s simply a fact. They have to go somewhere and if the car parks are available they’ll clog up our towns and cities. The French have learned this to their cost, which is why there is a proliferation of height barriers all over the place.
The second is that our contribution to the local economy, as compared to people who arrive in cars, use restaurants and campsites is absolutely miniscule. Scarborough, as an example, has a tourist income of over £450 million pounds a year. How much of that do you think the tiny number of ‘wild camping’ motorhomers contribute? Next to nothing is the real truth!
So what’s the answer? The first thing to do is to stop the silly accusations about council corruption and ‘fat councillors who own camp sites' and to try to see things from the point of view of the residents and businesses of Scarborough or any other town with similar policies.
The second thing to do is to accept that, if we wish to park overnight in town centres we should be prepared to pay a modest cost towards the upkeep of the car parks or we should be prepared to drive into the countryside and really wild camp away from anyone else.
Continuing to assert that, because we’ve spent a few bob on a motorhome, we have the God-given right to park them just wherever we like without let or hindrance is selfish, does not take into account the wishes of the general population and simply shows the public that we are mean and care only for our own conveniences and wallets. Should tent campers be allowed to pitch in the local parks? Should anyone be allowed to park just anywhere?
The ‘Call to Arms’ thread is typical of the attitude of many motorhomers. A man saw a notice and completely misinterpreted it. He came on this forum absolutely ranting about persecution from councils and his rights to park anywhere etc. and accused the council of banning all motorhome parking on its 60 car parks. As a result of this other members have sent emails to the council protesting about this gross infringement on our liberty.
But guess what? Because another member took the trouble to drive to the car park and read the notice properly, we now know that it actually gives intention of banning just overnight parking on 15 car parks! So some councillor or chief executive is going to receive a load of emails, castigating him for something that isn’t going to happen. And we wonder why we’re not flavour of the month!
I'd love to see councils opening aires, or at least allowing us to overnight on car parks at a modest cost, but we need to go about it in a civilised, polite and sensible manner, which doesn't include insulting councillors and stating that they all own camp sites and have a vested interest. Their main interest is their constituents who elect them
First of all, objection to motorhomes isn’t just in the U.K. Because of height barriers I recently gave up trying to find somewhere to park in Sète on the Med and it’s the same along huge stretches of that coast.
Why do the French do this? Why are they turning away the (imagined!) millions of Euro in income from all of us motorhomers and why is it happening in other countries and in cities all over Europe?
But first of all, and this is something that a few members of this forum seem unable to do, let’s try to look at this problem from a point of view other than our own selfish needs.
Let’s start with this, and I quote: ‘Fat greedy councillors who own campsites’. There is no evidence whatsoever that these objections come primarily from site owners. My opinion is that campsite owners couldn’t care less about the tiny number of motorhomers who wild camp. We really are an incredibly small number as compared to those who prefer to use sites, and site owners know that the kind of people who will spend the night on a car park are not the ones who will suddenly decide to use a site just because the car park is no longer available. The camp site argument is a total red herring!
But in the spirit of trying to see things from a point of view other than our own, what is wrong with campsite owners suggesting that the council should not allow free overnight parking for motorhomes and even caravans? If you opened a campsite and the council charges you tens of thousands of pounds in business rates, you have to spend a fortune on insurance and the other costs, and then the council decided to allow people to overnight for nothing on a large car park near to your site, wouldn’t you feel aggrieved? So just as you are allowed to protest to the council about its policies, so are campsite owners, and why should anyone feel that in doing so, they are being unreasonable? But as I said, I put this in just as an example of how some people feel that only their views matter because I really do believe that campsite owners couldn’t care less about a few motorhomers who won’t use their sites.
People talk about ‘their rights’ and ‘being discriminated against’. What about the rights of the people and businesses in Scarborough? These are the ones represented by councillors, not motorhomers who come for a day or so, spend virtually nothing and mount campaigns because they haven’t been allowed free parking all night! And isn’t it a reasonable assumption that people who are too mean to spend a few pounds on a local CL are not the ones who will be flashing their cash all over the town?
If you were a councillor and you had a choice of your car parks being filled with families in cars who will eat in restaurants, visit the attractions and spend a lot of money, or motorhomers who arrive with all their own facilities, eat and sleep in the ‘vans, which would you choose, remembering that, as a councillor, your loyalties must be to those who elected you?
And before you all start claiming that you spend a lot of money in these places, perhaps a tiny number of you do but my experience of most motorhomers, especially those who always wild camp, is that their prime ambition is to go away and only spend money on diesel fuel!
But I now get back to the original question, which is: Why are we being turned away from towns and cities all over Europe? One of the first and obvious reasons is that giving anyone cart blanche to overnight on public cars will guarantee an invasion of travellers. There is no anti-traveller agenda or racism here, it’s simply a fact. They have to go somewhere and if the car parks are available they’ll clog up our towns and cities. The French have learned this to their cost, which is why there is a proliferation of height barriers all over the place.
The second is that our contribution to the local economy, as compared to people who arrive in cars, use restaurants and campsites is absolutely miniscule. Scarborough, as an example, has a tourist income of over £450 million pounds a year. How much of that do you think the tiny number of ‘wild camping’ motorhomers contribute? Next to nothing is the real truth!
So what’s the answer? The first thing to do is to stop the silly accusations about council corruption and ‘fat councillors who own camp sites' and to try to see things from the point of view of the residents and businesses of Scarborough or any other town with similar policies.
The second thing to do is to accept that, if we wish to park overnight in town centres we should be prepared to pay a modest cost towards the upkeep of the car parks or we should be prepared to drive into the countryside and really wild camp away from anyone else.
Continuing to assert that, because we’ve spent a few bob on a motorhome, we have the God-given right to park them just wherever we like without let or hindrance is selfish, does not take into account the wishes of the general population and simply shows the public that we are mean and care only for our own conveniences and wallets. Should tent campers be allowed to pitch in the local parks? Should anyone be allowed to park just anywhere?
The ‘Call to Arms’ thread is typical of the attitude of many motorhomers. A man saw a notice and completely misinterpreted it. He came on this forum absolutely ranting about persecution from councils and his rights to park anywhere etc. and accused the council of banning all motorhome parking on its 60 car parks. As a result of this other members have sent emails to the council protesting about this gross infringement on our liberty.
But guess what? Because another member took the trouble to drive to the car park and read the notice properly, we now know that it actually gives intention of banning just overnight parking on 15 car parks! So some councillor or chief executive is going to receive a load of emails, castigating him for something that isn’t going to happen. And we wonder why we’re not flavour of the month!
I'd love to see councils opening aires, or at least allowing us to overnight on car parks at a modest cost, but we need to go about it in a civilised, polite and sensible manner, which doesn't include insulting councillors and stating that they all own camp sites and have a vested interest. Their main interest is their constituents who elect them
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