Solar panel size guesses?


Full Member
So now I have both my Hank the Tanks outside my windows I can get an idea of what size the panel is on the new van. The one on Hank 1 (The filthy roof) is a single 100w panel. I think the general opinion from a photo further away was that the panel on the new van (The cleaner roof) was 100w-120w. Anyone want to hazard another guess? I think I count 9 cells up on both but 12 across on the old one and 16 on the new one. What do you experts think the new one is? It needs a clean I reckon.

When the Sun is on the panels, check how many amps they produce (at the same time of day). If the new one is producing more, then it is bigger. You could even roughly work out the size of the new one by the percentage increase in amps of the new one over the old one. That is maybe asking too much of a numpty like yourself but put the figures on here and us smarter members can work it out for you. :ROFLMAO:
When the Sun is on the panels, check how many amps they produce (at the same time of day). If the new one is producing more, then it is bigger. You could even roughly work out the size of the new one by the percentage increase in amps of the new one over the old one. That is maybe asking too much of a numpty like yourself but put the figures on here and us smarter members can work it out for you. :ROFLMAO:

Oooh you think you can get away with abusing me again I see!!! Yeah fair enough. I knew I would pay the price for your help the other week. :D

The solar controller is crap. It dont tell you anything. I think this year for starters its going to be a case of just winging it and see how it goes. Too late in the day to look at Lithium, AGM, MPPT Controllers etc and getting someone to fit it all. The Swift Control panel above the door gives you the voltage of both batteries though so I will have some idea from that but no idea what its harvesting.

This is the solar controller and the vans standard control unit in the new van.

Oooh you think you can get away with abusing me again I see!!! Yeah fair enough. I knew I would pay the price for your help the other week. :D

The solar controller is crap. It dont tell you anything. I think this year for starters its going to be a case of just winging it and see how it goes. Too late in the day to look at Lithium, AGM, MPPT Controllers etc and getting someone to fit it all. The Swift Control panel above the door gives you the voltage of both batteries though so I will have some idea from that but no idea what its harvesting.

This is the solar controller and the vans standard control unit in the new van.

Would be better with an MPPT Barry - these are the details on the one you have;

Del (@Trotter) has an MPPT for sale for a fiver!
Well found. Yes it would be better. I dont even know how good the single 110ah battery is yet either. I think it was new last year though possibly. Has Del posted that on here?

He did Barry but I don't think it's in the 'For sale' forum. I'll track it down.

Having said that, it might be worth hanging on though and see what battery system you finally want. You need a shakedown trip to see how well everything works really, may be fine for now.
My mistake Barry, it is on the sister site;

get up the step ladders and see if there is a make & model (or even watts) marked on it.

or get one of our drone owning members to film the edges.
get up the step ladders and see if there is a make & model (or even watts) marked on it.

or get one of our drone owning members to film the edges.
My 80W panels measure exactly 0.5 m².imcluding a smallish frame.
3 of them and got 225W the other day at lunchtime, so accounting for losses I'd say their output is on spec. Tech is very similar between manufacturers so I'd say allow 175W /m². Cell area only.
He did Barry but I don't think it's in the 'For sale' forum. I'll track it down.

Having said that, it might be worth hanging on though and see what battery system you finally want. You need a shakedown trip to see how well everything works really, may be fine for now.

I think ill just wait and see how we get on. Im hoping for us to spend a night or two in it very soon before we head off proper.

If its no good, Ideally what I think I want to find is a decent solar and battery specialist either near here or on our travels. That is not always an easy task. It might do as it is for this summer though.
They both look like 9x4 to me and so probably 100W each. FWIW, I had one like on your old van on my van and I got a local company to add a second 100W panel (I didn't want to go above 200W with my Victron SmartSolar 75/15 controller) and the panel they added looks suspiciously like the one on your new van!

BTW, I noticed a huge improvement when I replaced the PWM controller with the Victron MPPT I now have and so can confirm that's a very worthwhile upgrade...
I think ill just wait and see how we get on. Im hoping for us to spend a night or two in it very soon before we head off proper.

If its no good, Ideally what I think I want to find is a decent solar and battery specialist either near here or on our travels. That is not always an easy task. It might do as it is for this summer though.
You aren't that far from Wildebus where you are. Nice trip out :)

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