Solar Panel / Lightning


Hi, was wondering with this bad weather what happens if the solar panel get hit by lightning? do you think we should keep our rubber shoes on.:wacko:

Keep Dry.

Don't worry............just think of all that free electricity!:lol-049:
Solar Panel

It would be the fastest battery charging ever that's for sure.

however on a serious note they an isolated piece of equipment so it wouldn't matter as they are not earthed as a general rule and if you have earthed it then it is the same as lightning striking the again charged batteries...
Extremely unlikely given your rubber tyres. There's nothing on a solar panel to "attract lighting" which seeks an easy path to earth via tall, earthed pointy metal objects - err, like lightning conductors, which is why they are designed like they are. Brollies & wet trees can do the job too as the wet conducts & the twigs/ brolly are pointy & often the highest point for some distance around.
A microwave makes a good Faraday cage to store sensitive equipment apparently. (more useful on boats)!

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